Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spirituallysmart.Com back Online

Spirituallysmart.Com was offline for a couple of weeks due to coming to the realization that Tony Alamo was guilty of sexual child abuse. I simply believed the testimony of the victims at Alamo's trial. It seems there are people who don't believe this. they would rather start a whole new conspiracy theory that I had been paid off, threatened or some other garbage.

Tony Alamo's own attorneys stated that the testimony was "brutal" and were only trying to "technically" fight the charges of violating the Mann Act. I believe the jury decided right. I agree with the jury from what I heard in the evidence. And I also believe Alamo was guilty under the Mann Act.

From Alamo's camp you never heard them officially refute the accusations of child rape. There was only a legal posturing of disproving the technicality of the charges. Hear what Alamo's attorney says. I believe he is simply saying, "they can't get him on the Mann Act."

Besides this legal posturing there was message after message coming from Alamo justifying old men raping very young girls. Even as young as 8 (see section 3 where it states that his version of "marraige" is protected by his idea of "freedom of religion").

Tony Alamo was often stating publicly in messages that he believed it was OK according to the bible to commit these crimes but would add, "but I don't practice that." Tony would often say this at that point, "the Bible teaches about being a eunuch but i'm not one of those either.." So that means he was hiding his activities from his own congregation! And now many have had their own children taken away or they are in hiding.

How did Alamo do this? By only allowing very trusted members of his church to get close enough to him to where they knew his business.

In the trial Alamo admitted to having all these women as wives. But Alamo's followers weren't allowed to hear any of the trial. They are continuing to intentionally hoodwink the remaining members by keeping the fqacts from them all. Tony's "wife" Sharon also stated she saw more and more girls coming to reside in her home but didn't notice they were getting younger and younger.

I believe in religious freedoms very strongly. But this isn't a case of a violation of religious freedom. This was about helping innocent young victims by any means necessary.

What Tony did was to try and make it look like the Vatican/Government was attacking him. Meanwhile he's a criminal who needed to be brought down. He disgraced all Vatican reseachers, Christians, homeschoolers, Patriots, etc and etc..

I have learned a lot from what i have been through in regards to Alamo Ministries. I will be talking about this for a while in the near future. I will be talking about why I was ever part of Alamo Ministries. The good aspects of Alamo Ministries that I knew, and the difficulties I had with them and also the fact that my support of Alamo ministries went from almost all out support to only supporting their civil liberties. Which I don't believe they were ever violated. The government had to investigate these allegations against Tony Alamo Ministries.

God bless you all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

in the last days perilous times shall come

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

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