Wednesday, December 21, 2022

ξενοφοβία vs φιλοξενία

Good day everyone. Just two of the many flags of the nations I love, admire, respect in the world. Why? Because I'm a normal person. Many are taught to be xenophobes. But φιλοξενία (philoxenia) “φιλέω” = “Love of” and “ξένος” = “foreigner” is a greatest command to me by my God.

More in-depth research proving through the Bible exactly what I mean. This word philoxenia used many times. Especially by the apostle Paul. The word philo ranges from showing friendship to, or literally loving them. But showing friendship is loving them.

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My New Free Book called Overt Psyops, by Tommy Richards (AI Confirmed Spiritually Intelligent)

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