Monday, May 22, 2017

Observation: WHAT connects you to a cult makes a difference

INTRO: This blog pertains to my past involvement with Alamo Ministries. I lived on their properties a few short stretches but for the past 6 years I've supported their ministries from a far and over the Internet. It wasn't until I heard the testimony at Alamo's trial that I realized that he was a con artist. And WORSE. To find out more you can look through my older blog posts..

One connection I felt I had with Tony Alamo was the fact that he was the only "pastor" I ever heard preaching from 1st Proverbs (22-33)

God revealed Himself to me through those verses right before I got saved. 6 months before I ever heard of Alamo Ministries.

Just one small example as to why some people's connections to Alamo could be stronger or weaker.

I don't even want to continue down that road of speaking on these things (positive spiritual connections to Alamo). But people do make those kinds of connections. Then something you don't like happens, you concentrate on the positive spiritual connections you've made. Like when Tony would say something that didn't make sense or was flat out wrong I would think to the connections I've made and say to myself, "But he's the only one I know of that preaches one needs to fear God. And preaches 1st Proverbs" (That is just one example and did hold true for me).

Then these connections grow stronger and also multiply over the years. But what happens is you're put through so much from Tony in the church that you may become very familiar with running through the positive connections often. You do this to balance every thing out. I think after a while you don't have to think of these connections anymore because you're used to them persuading you. So then you begin to reject any critical thinking patterns that expose Alamo or whatever group you're a part of. And that's when these people become like a robot. They become resigned. They feel they could never leave the cult no matter what.

other connections can be,

"I have nowhere else to go"

"I have no job"

"I'm going to die on the streets if i leave"

Others have lead lonely lives and they like the other members of the group. They're very nice people and treat you kindly. That could be a strong connection. I know there are people like that at Alamo Ministries.

I think these connections is the key to each individual caught up in a cult. So the combination to the lock that would set them free could be different every time.

I think I see the spiritual ramifications in Alamo's cult have more of a hold. in other words. I think that if they have the spiritual connections to Alamo then it would be stronger than the carnal connections (such as he pays my rent and doctors bills). Once the carnal attachment is broken. Or the person leaves the church and get a job and are more secure they will no longer have any attachment. But Spiritual connections to Alamo like I had, carried me a lot further. Even to being a supporter of Alamo from outside the church for a while.

I know of people who were saved from reading Tony Alamo's literature and they were instantly delivered from addiction to crack. It was the Word of God that Tony placed in his gospel tract (pamphlet) that set this man free. Nevertheless it is a hold on that person now. That person feels that God used Alamo to save their soul. And that person talks about this event in their lives often. And so it affects others. This person's story affected me while I was there.

These are normal thought patterns though. People make connections like this in every area of their lives. My friends, loved ones, spouses, jobs, churches, whatever. So the reasons why people become connected to a cult isn't too hard to explain or understand.

More soon to come..

(Why do I call Alamo Ministries a "cult"? Because it is. It's manifested in several ways. The one that became clear to me was Tony's insistent preaching on polygamy and his embrace of Mormon doctrines and his embrace of other books like the book of Jasher. Which I enjoyed reading and thought there was some truths in there but didn't think it was really part of the "Word of God".)

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