Monday, May 22, 2017

Observation: WHAT connects you to a cult makes a difference

INTRO: This blog pertains to my past involvement with Alamo Ministries. I lived on their properties a few short stretches but for the past 6 years I've supported their ministries from a far and over the Internet. It wasn't until I heard the testimony at Alamo's trial that I realized that he was a con artist. And WORSE. To find out more you can look through my older blog posts..

One connection I felt I had with Tony Alamo was the fact that he was the only "pastor" I ever heard preaching from 1st Proverbs (22-33)

God revealed Himself to me through those verses right before I got saved. 6 months before I ever heard of Alamo Ministries.

Just one small example as to why some people's connections to Alamo could be stronger or weaker.

I don't even want to continue down that road of speaking on these things (positive spiritual connections to Alamo). But people do make those kinds of connections. Then something you don't like happens, you concentrate on the positive spiritual connections you've made. Like when Tony would say something that didn't make sense or was flat out wrong I would think to the connections I've made and say to myself, "But he's the only one I know of that preaches one needs to fear God. And preaches 1st Proverbs" (That is just one example and did hold true for me).

Then these connections grow stronger and also multiply over the years. But what happens is you're put through so much from Tony in the church that you may become very familiar with running through the positive connections often. You do this to balance every thing out. I think after a while you don't have to think of these connections anymore because you're used to them persuading you. So then you begin to reject any critical thinking patterns that expose Alamo or whatever group you're a part of. And that's when these people become like a robot. They become resigned. They feel they could never leave the cult no matter what.

other connections can be,

"I have nowhere else to go"

"I have no job"

"I'm going to die on the streets if i leave"

Others have lead lonely lives and they like the other members of the group. They're very nice people and treat you kindly. That could be a strong connection. I know there are people like that at Alamo Ministries.

I think these connections is the key to each individual caught up in a cult. So the combination to the lock that would set them free could be different every time.

I think I see the spiritual ramifications in Alamo's cult have more of a hold. in other words. I think that if they have the spiritual connections to Alamo then it would be stronger than the carnal connections (such as he pays my rent and doctors bills). Once the carnal attachment is broken. Or the person leaves the church and get a job and are more secure they will no longer have any attachment. But Spiritual connections to Alamo like I had, carried me a lot further. Even to being a supporter of Alamo from outside the church for a while.

I know of people who were saved from reading Tony Alamo's literature and they were instantly delivered from addiction to crack. It was the Word of God that Tony placed in his gospel tract (pamphlet) that set this man free. Nevertheless it is a hold on that person now. That person feels that God used Alamo to save their soul. And that person talks about this event in their lives often. And so it affects others. This person's story affected me while I was there.

These are normal thought patterns though. People make connections like this in every area of their lives. My friends, loved ones, spouses, jobs, churches, whatever. So the reasons why people become connected to a cult isn't too hard to explain or understand.

More soon to come..

(Why do I call Alamo Ministries a "cult"? Because it is. It's manifested in several ways. The one that became clear to me was Tony's insistent preaching on polygamy and his embrace of Mormon doctrines and his embrace of other books like the book of Jasher. Which I enjoyed reading and thought there was some truths in there but didn't think it was really part of the "Word of God".)


  1. You test a man and the words that come of out him through the "Truth", the Holy Bible.
    If the words or the fruits of this man do not adhere to the truth, then they are false and proclaiming falsehood, and if they are mistaken, we must bring it to their attention. We must act filled with the Holy Spirit in defense of the Lord and His truth for much is at stake.
    It is a blessing to have your website back up again.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I have been watching you on your web site for quite awhile.
    When you were in the church you were a constant complainer and reported everyone you could. Accusing them of things that were crazy and untrue. The people in the church were very happy when you left. You were lazy staying in your house for days on end doing nothing but sulking like a spoiled child. Even throwing a tantrum when the tracking crew would not take you to go get a blue berry sundae. I thought maybe you had changed when I saw you on here actually doing something positive and speaking out for Pastor Alamo and the stolen children you had me fooled Tommy.
    Now as I watch I see that Satan has given you a extra large shovel and you continue to dig yourself an even deeper hotter place in hell. Pastor Alamo was very kind and merciful you and you rendered evil for good.
    Pastor Alamo was the only one who spoke out on behalf of the FLDS children who were unjustly raided and stolen. He said he believes they are living Christian lives. Who are you to say there are not saved Christians in that church? But you claim he has embraced the Mormon religion. That is a lie. You too once stuck up for them. You contradict your own words and information on what you are exposing on your site. I find this really sad because while you say you did not sell out. You really did. It is very obvious.

    You even go so far as to argue with what is printed in the bible.

    Jos 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

    2Sa 1:18 (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)

    And hang on to the diabolical teachings of the Roman Catholic church. The very one you claim to have come out of.

    The worst thing is that you are lost and deceived and deluded and you have no clue that you are.

    You believe the lies of the very ones you are exposing. Your house is divided and it cannot stand.

    From a former member


    I've followed spirituallysmart's cite and that is not true that he said the Mormons obey the Bible. He just said it sets a bad precedent to take people's kids for religious reasons, regardless of their religion and that kids also get very sad and troubled when they are taken away from their parents.

    Also as for the book of Jasher being part of the Bible, 1st, if you look at the Hebrew, it does not translate "Jasher".. It actually means "upright" as in "the book of the upright" which does not necessariy refer to a separate text at all. Even that orange book TA distributed said as much about the meaning of "Jasher". So maybe you should take the time to read it. Secondly, even if there is a separate book which should be in the Bible, but is not, who is to say that orange book is the correct book?

    Also, I don't know what Catholic teachings Spirituallysmart has started embracing. Please point them out, because I think he is much less Catholic than your leader TA who quotes apocryphal (catholic) texts to prove that it is good to marry preteen, prepubescent girls. The example he loves to give about mary only being 10 when she was with child by the Holy Spirit is in the CATHOLIC apocrypha! Anyway, spirituallysmart has done extensive research on the Vatican and exposed other jesuits such as Alex Jones. MEanwhile, TA was showing Alex Jones videos at his church and when TA prints a vatican expose, I beleive a lot of it is just plagarized like the Messiah book was. (Look up john fred meldau's messiah book on amazon.. it is 99% the same book as TA's Messiah book. Meldau wrote it first, and TA never gave him any credit for it in the book). Just because TA said some things that the Bible says does not mean he is of God! He is clearly a hypocrite, because it is the works that matter. He has also beaten children bloody for minor infractions (or non infractions, things that TA said they did which they never even did). That is just cruel and ungodly. TA just twists the scriptrues to support whatever he wants to do.

  4. Anon, What are you saying about a blueberry Sunday? I remember something about that. I think happened was the person at Alamo ministries was holding the money and decided we couldn't have one. Meanwhile I left a good job in NY and was used to buying whatever i wanted. Do you know that's called an Ad hominem attack? Do you know what that is? that's when someone skirts the issue at hand but instead tries to attack the character of the person thus trying to discredit them. Let's talk about issues then. Your biggest accusation on me is something about a blueberry Sunday. that's pretty funny. I'm glad you're saying this. What else did you say i was doing? Staying at home "sulking like a spoiled child". No actually I was SICK. And that's documented. Do you know what it's like to go someplace that's supposed to be Christian and when you get sick they accuse you of "sulking at home for days like a spoiled child"? I have had migraines since I entered Alamo ministries. Coincidence? i doubt it. And how come your beloved "prophet" couldn't heal me when he prayed for me several times?

    Well that's because i'm a reprobate going to hell right? tony was so nice to me. he only made me leave with my family because i wouldnt kill a field mouse.

    You and your cult are finished. Don't you see that? absolutely finished. And keep on coming out with these stories about myself when i was there. this is therapeutic for me. It helps remind me that your SECT was not of the Lord.

  5. "Anonymous" sounds like a person who is influenced not by God Almighty. The Holy Spirit is our compass and the Bible is our map to Jesus Christ our Saviour and yet this person attacks brother Thomas with a spirit of hate and no compassion.

    If you disapprove of another, then show them the wrong according to what the scriptures says, you dont attack another in their character.

    We should always maintain our eyes on the Lord and only Him for this is no other under heaven or on earth that can save us.
    Invite Him to dwell in our hearts and minds, to live within us to transform us, to guide us.
    Let the Holy Spirit be in us to do our Father's will.
    We must revive and reform, for His coming is soon and many of those who have enjoyed the light but not embraced it 100%, with one foot in the body of christ and the other in the world, be aware, our time is coming soon our chance will pass us by. There are those who have not had the opportunity to enjoy the light as of yet but will embrace soon with all their heart and mind, these same ones will take our place if we are spititually asleep, lukewarm, not holding the character of our beloved One, Jesus Christ, and following His commandments.

  6. Anonymous6:44 PM

    So you were lying when you said said good about Pastor Alamo, the children and the ministry and how good it was there? or are you lying now?

    It's obvious one way or the other you are a liar.

  7. Anon, I hope you come back. I understand you thought I was bad because i wanted an ice cream Sunday one day. Tony Alamo wanted more than that. You said you're a former member of the church. Why "former"? Especially when you thought I was doing a good work when i was defending Alamo Ministries? I stopped defending Alamo Ministries because in my mind it was impossible to continue doing. If i offended you in Alamo ministries please accept my humble apologies. That was over 6 years ago anyway. people change. if you ever want to talk privately you can email me at I wont attack you or try and demean you like you did to me. I would sit down and pray with you. I love the Lord. that has not changed.

  8. Anon, i was wrong about Alamo ministries. yes its true when i was there what i saw where children well cared for. I thought. but then those same children are stating otherwise. i believe them and so did the jury that was hand picked by BOTH prosecuting and DEFENDING attorneys.

  9. Anon, there were good things about Alamo ministries. it's true. but you know there was bad also. How can you sit there and accuse me of lying? you know i had my ups and downs there. and if you know that then you know i could have both good and bad things to say about Alamo ministries. I kept silence aout the bad for a long time. but now i want to discuss it. whats wrong with that? dont i have the freedom to tell of things from my own perspective from my own blog?

  10. Free_at_last7:46 PM

    Wow it is amazing how people will just not look at the other side. But they will never answer the question do you think it is okay to have sex with little girls? Tony has said that people under 18 do not get married in his church. You know that is not true. I look back and I did the same and justified things in my head, but they Lord kept tugging on my heart and showed me what I needed to do. Because I do not believe for one second Jesus followers lived in fear of him. If you say you do not worry about having tony call and scream at you and tell you how stupid you are and how smart he is you are lying. That you have just to pack up and leave that's not true. Jesus did not speak to his followers the way tony did. Please people open your eyes. If what tony was doing is really of the Lord, why lie. why not come out and tell the truth. yes i did this but i am going to be like the three Hewbrew childern who did not bow down. I believe what I am doing is of the Lord. But thats not what he said. He said he has never had sex with those girls. So which is the truth.

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Tony Alamo is not guilty, yet they still convicted him.
    The jury said, "We can’t find anything guilty in him whatsoever. But can we still convict him?"

  12. ALAMOLIED8:15 PM

    Oh come off it, anonymous! the same copy/paste all over! seriously, show me where you get the info that the jury actually said that. What the jury actually said is:

    "Jurors were convinced Alamo had had sex with the girls when they were underage, but deliberated for more than a day to ensure that they considered everything, jury foreman Frank Oller of Texarkana said.

    "That was the evidence. That was proven," Oller said. "We came up with a full decision that we are quite satisfied with."

    TA lied to you and said they said it, and you just repeat whatever he said. His own lawyer said the testimonies were undeniable and all they could do to fight the charge was to try to show that his *intent* in taking the girls cross country was ministry work, rather than sex (not to deny that the sex happened or that it was not forced). Seriously, you're doing what Hitler did-- tell a lie enough and the people will believe it. But I guess you learned that from TA.

  13. I'd viewed Alamo as a kind of comrade, so to speak, since he was telling about the Vatican. Even though I do not agree with his theology. (For the record, I believe in eternal security, but I am NOT a Calvinist.)

    Come to find out though your posts, Thomas, that Alamo uses the same tactics the Romanists do--if you can't find Biblical support for your doctrine or ideas, then wrest Scripture or go to an extra-Biblical source.

    Alamo is now making King James Bible believers and truthseekers look bad...and I wonder about that.

  14. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hitler used the news media to make everyone hate the Jews. No different than what they are doing to Pastor Alamo. The Texarkana Gazette owner is a member of the Bohemian Grove. Even their logo is a mendes goat in a five point star when you simply turn it upside down.


    One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

    There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

    The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

    We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

  15. To anonymous:

    I believe Alamo is guilty, but I already see the SPLC and other organizations blasting him for his anti-Catholicism and "conspiracy theory" stance. (Never mind that Catholicism is itself a cult. You just had the Cult of Tony blasting the Cult of Mary.)

    I wonder if that's an accident or not.

  16. Anonymous8:20 PM

    How does free at last think the lord rebuked Peter when he called him satan,whith some little meek homosexual sounding voice.And tommy why wont yoyu post everyones comments, some of them a little too strong for you.

  17. Hey "Anon", What post didn't I approve? Post it now and I'll post it. But it has to be the exact post you're talking about. if I don't recognize it then I'll know you didn't go through with the deal. Repost it! I don't believe I DIDN'T post a post. I believe this is a false accusation.

    And you want to talk about messages "too strong"? Nothing is "too strong" when you're hiding who you are. you know me. Let's go toe to toe knowing who EACH other is.

  18. I make my boast in the Lord. And I feel very strong in my God this day. I feel nothing can stand before us. May the LORD judge between me and thee! I am free and confident and secure with my loving family. Thank you JESUS! Alamo brought the curse upon all who was associated with him. Thank God I am no longer in that category!

  19. Anon, I see you posted some work someone else did. I liked it better when you used your own mind to talk to me.

  20. Hey Anon, regarding your "inside info" on me... Didn't you see my counters? lol You're reading the false reports on me. I think I have all those reports still. Maybe I'll post the reports with my response online..

  21. Free_at_last11:22 AM

    No anonymous I do not think Jesus rebuked peter mildly. But you did not answer my question just like I said you wouldn't. Because to answer it honestly you would have to admit I am right. Really search your heart of hearts. You know your not allowed to just go and get a cup of Starbucks down the street if you want one. You do not get a TV but Tony did. Obviously your one of the few who gets a computer. You have no rights there look and open your eyes. Why is he the only one who can decide what is of the Lord is that not what we are all supposed to do. Have you listened to those interviews he did. Do you see Jesus talking that way, that was not winning that man's soul. But as usual you will not answer my question? How is it okay to lie? That is one of the 10 commandments? Sincerely pray and fast and ask the Lord to show you the truth. I did and the Lord gave me some amazing answers ones I almost did not want to believe. So I am sure now your just going to come back and ask me questions. But why not try answering mine honestly first????????????

  22. Anonymous5:54 PM's_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches.pdf

  23. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Those witnesses were bribed and coerced by this Satanic government to stop Pastor Alamo from exposing the Vatican and it’s government and preaching and spreading the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Here is a letter from their main lying witnesses FATHER.
    To Whom It May Concern:

    My daughter, Desireé Kolbek, has called me on many occasions asking me to forgive her because the government didn’t keep their end of the bargain. She said she knew she went too far with all the horrible things she said regarding Tony and me, and that there was nothing she could do about it nor could she get out of what she had already done.

    She stated in the last year, in many different phone conversations, how she wanted to keep me out of this—knowing that the FBI threatened—at gun point to take my life and Tony’s. Therefore, she thought that by helping to bring Tony down, it would spare me, her mother, her brothers, and sister.

    Now, as stated before, she has begged for forgiveness because she didn’t realize they were lying to her.

    Desireé didn’t leave the church because of any physical or sexual abuse, she left because she knew I was coming through town and she didn’t want to be confronted about her disobedience and unruliness.

    I am sickened by the government using, and I mean “using” my daughter, making deals with her. They are destroying what is left of her. She is frail and weak minded and they are playing on that.

    John Kolbek

  24. The best lesson from finding out we have erred in judgment is then to evaluate our other judgments, in case we have made other mistakes. I was sent a box-full of Alamo material 3 years ago; as a 'patriot,' I was interested and I had heard him on alternative radio. It was his claim that he and his wife were the Two Witnesses that totally turned me off of him, plus the attitude, support-Israel-whatever-they-do. (And Israel has a lot to answer for, but that's another topic.) My point is that we must thank God for living long enough to learn and to keep learning! Thomas, I urge you to read the material at the SEDEVACANTIST website written by Peter and Michael Dimond, who are 100% against the Vatican, even though they are Catholic priests. I spent 25 years as a Fundamentalist Bible student/street evangelist/writer. Thanks to the Dimond Brothers (and no, I don't agree with them on EVERYTHING), I began to study Christian history from a new perspective, and I was baptized and confirmed as a Roman Catholic in Quebec City (April 2009); but I was not required to buy into the liberal party-line, because no one spoke fluent English and they let me be mentored really casually. Hurrah! I now describe myself as a 13th-century Catholic. I have discovered the basics of Catholicism which HAVE NOT BEEN TAUGHT since before World War II. Start with Peter Dimond's book, "The Bible Teaches the Roman Catholic Faith". He only quotes the KJV for this, by the way, and at great length. - Cheryl


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