Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Answers 1 and 2...

Hello everyone. I wanted to share some questions and answers from my page. You can view both the questions and answers on the pinned post on my page but I am repeating my answers to this dear soul here. If you would like to also see the questions, then kindly look at the last comments on my pinned post. I pray God bless you all today in Christ. Amen

1. Hello, It's fine to talk here and ask questions and such. What is it about the word "eventually" that's bothering you? What does "eventually" mean? The etymological dictionary says "eventually" is an adjective and means "pertaining to events." When seeking God and asking things of Him, events will happen chronologically. If things are asked sincerely. Or if not sincerely, He may answer another way. I think you misunderstand the word "eventually." The whole bible is full of "events to come." These events happen to the entire world and to each one of us, personally. "Eventually" is exactly right in the context I used it. What would suit you better? "Immediately"? Is that true? You know it isn't. Not always. Has it happened from time to time? Of course. But I added it to my sentence for those who haven't received something right away if and when they asked! I will not deprive hope from the asker! I will say, "eventually" you will receive it (if it's in God's will). That is what God says throughout His word. It is His will to give us His holy Spirit. It is why Christ raised from the dead and ascended to the Father. That He and the Father may work through the vessels here on earth that have come to faith and want what God wants. God wants to represent Himself in this exact way.

However, to receive God's Spirit in our heart, we must be ready to enter covenant with Him. This is all God's work and we must be open to His work and put down preconceived notions which arose from opinion or theories not based on God's Word.

Thank you for your comments and I pray the Lord blesses you.

2. Dear sir, "whosoever believeth" are the key words there my friend. "belief" is the same exact word as "faith." Faith is something powerful which God gives to those who ask and are at the exact right timing in their lives.. It is one of the most important words in the bible. Every word of God needs to be studied so we better understand what God is saying. "Faith" (according to the Bible) means we are moved by an unseen force. Namely, God. Taking one popular bible verse and making that your main doctrine is what cults do. I ask you to please not do that. We have to study all of God's words and put them together in an understandable and logical way.

I am not cherry picking scriptures and using them to try and twist the image of God. God puts conditions on every single one of His promises. To receive the promises we must go to Him on HIS terms! Jesus said many things. Like when He said "come to me" you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. First we must come to Him though. That means we have to go to HIM. Not what or who we THINK is Him. We have to somewhat even slightly PERCEIVE the one we are going to for blessings. But then Jesus tells us to do more. He says "take my yoke upon you." Well, what does that mean? That means we are to DO more things. Then He says "and LEARN of me..." So we have to learn! That means becomes His followers and disciples. That is something we strive to do everyday. He says, "for I am gentle and lowly of heart. And you will find rest for your souls." And then He says for my YOKE is easy (pleasant) and my BURDEN is light (Matthew 11:28-30). It's a light burden, but it's still a "burden" we need to carry. I'm sorry, but it's not so simple as you want it to be for some reason. Why? So you can continue living a worldly and sinful life? We are supposed to turn our back on that and serve God with all our heart. THAT is the first and greatest commandment! And the second is like unto it. We must love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). Why are these two connected? Because we can't do the second without GENUINELY doing the FIRST.

So I would say to you sir, make sure you do not try and annul God's greatest commandments which is the fulfillment of the law of Christ! You need to recognize your lack of knowledge and understanding and then go to the Lord and learn of Him. Then you will find rest unto your soul.

Best wishes to you, sir! (4/24/19)

Tommy Richards​

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