Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The word "Latin" doesn't appear in the Bible & the Greek word rome

 I'd love to know why Eugene Nida and/or Barclay Newman make no mention of the word rhomaisti from John 19:20 in A Translator's Handbook on The Gospel of John. And after searching through many lexicons and commentaries I've found almost a complete lack of any useful information regarding how rhomasti is the word for Latin. Why isn't it just "Latin" in Greek? Surely that word can be translated.

The truth is, the word "Latin" doesn't appear in the Bible.

Also, the word rhome, which means, strength, vigor etc. Surely that was a Greek word in which the great city Rome was named after. Why do I only see this mythological explanation about Remus and Romulus? Why has no scholar or researcher explained this? I've looked everywhere.

The image shows a screenshot of Proverbs 6:8 from Swete's LXX. It is also found in Rahlfs LXX. This is the only surviving usage of this word (ῥώμῃ) that I have found.

Helpful comments anyone?

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