Saturday, May 18, 2024


DEAR AMERICA !!! I AM A VETERAN AND DESCENDANT OF A FOUNDER OF VIRGINIA AND AMERICA - LISTEN TO ME- ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS HAVE STABBED US IN THE BACK - None are good, everyone who runs and is elected is part of the child-raping cult in Rome and protects their child-raping cultists all around the country and the world. I will undo all this and make them pay. I would also make America free and good for us all. We should have PLENTY to go around. What they're doing to us is through MASSIVE conspiracy involved the 35000 schools the JESUITS operate in the world. And Pope Franci is the first Jesuit Pope and said child-rapists are children of God and worthy of love. That means he's taken over the world for child-raping satanists. So, we must fight back. I am exposing all this YET I have had my FREE SPEECH removed on social media applications for no reason given !! Therefore they are STOPPING me from WARNING people about this child-raping cult in our midst. This CULT must be shut down !! That's what they don't want you to hear me say. Because you will know this is a fact. This cult must be shut down. And anyone who protects them must be punished for that. Ben Cline apparently is one of these. So, he needs to go. I am suing him, but everyone needs to be aware and force action against this cult that is controlled from Rome by a man who is actively hiding their claiming immunity and was found immune from child-rape cases. Just because in 1929 Mussolini restored the pope to such a position. Then they started WW2. NOW look at what's going on. ENOUGH !!!! Get these FAKES out of office. Starting with Ben Cline, who has REFUSED to help me warn everyone about a child-raping CULT !!!






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