Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some of Sun Muyn Moon's Connections

Sun Myung Moon. Not just your every day Cult leader

What do I think? the Unification Church is just another CIA Operation! I have many reasons for believing this. It has to do with much of my research into Jim Jones, Peoples Temple and Jonestown. But here's someone else making the connections between Rev Moon and the CIA. (Hey, and just because the article is on Jeff Rense's web site does't mean it's automatically false.)

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"Sun Myung Moon(born January 6, 1920) is the Korean founder and leader of the world-wide Unification Church and of the larger Unification Movement which owns, operates or subsidizes many organizations involved in political, cultural, mass-media, and other activities. One of the best known of these is the Washington Times newspaper and UPI. He is also well-known for holding Blessing ceremonies, which are often called "mass weddings".

Moon has said that he is the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ and is fulfilling Jesus' unfinished mission."

You can say Moon's Lieutenant is meeting with the former President of the United States or he's meeting with the Former Director of the CIA.

Ronald Reagan and Rev Moon's'S Lieutenant, Bo Hi Park

"Not to mention mainstream church leaders, like our old friend Jerry Falwell. The man who called for Moon's "exportation" in 1978 was singing his praises years later. Falwell changed his tune after one of Moon's front organizations handed Liberty University $3.5 million and otherwise forgave tens of millions in debts so he could bail out his college in 1994. Later, Falwell reciprocated by appearing at various Unification Church events and called upon President Ronald Reagan to pardon Moon's felony conviction for tax evasion." ~Source

Moon funded Louis Farrakhan's "million family march" to Washington in 2000.

Japan's EX-P.M., Kishi and Rev. Moon

Rev Moon and Neil Bush

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