Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jesuit Law Professor is President of ICSA

Current Faculty at the Jesuit Santa Clara Law School serving as Professor of Law

Seal of Santa Clara Law

Jesuit Schooled and Taught at Two Jesuit Universities is now the current President of the International Cultic Studies Association (Formerly American Family Foundation -AFF) The biggest "Anti-Cult" organization in the World.

Alan W. Scheflin

Professor Alan W. Scheflin prepared for publication the following book chapters: “Forensic Uses of Hypnosis,” in A.K. Hess and I.B. Weiner (editors), Handbook of Forensic Psychology, Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons); and “Mercy and Morals: The Ethics of Nullification,” in James Levine and John Kleinig, Jury Ethics: Juror Conduct and Jury Dynamics (2005).

He participated in a workshop, “Forensic Hypnosis: Skills and Building a Practice,” at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops on Clinical Hypnosis of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in St. Louis, Mo. in March. He currently serves as president of the International Cultic Studies Association (Formerly American Family Foundation -AFF) and participated in its July conference in Madrid, Spain.

He also serves as vice-president for law of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence and as ethics consultant to the Center for Justice and Accountability, a non-profit group that brings lawsuits against human rights abusers. He is the forensic editor of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and he will serve as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

Alan W. Scheflin holds a B.A. with High Honors in Philosophy from the University of Virginia. a J.D. with Honors from the George Washington University Law School, an LL.M. from the Harvard Law School, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from JESUIT Santa Clara University. He has taught in the Law School and the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University, and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California Law School.

Professor Scheflin's second book, The Mind Manipulators (1978), was published in several countries. Trance on Trial (1989), his third book, received the American Psychiatric Association's 1991 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award as the year's most outstanding publication on forensic psychiatry. His fourth book, Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis (1995), received the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Arthur Shapiro Award for "Book of the Year" for 1995.

Professor Scheflin's fifth book, Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law (1998) received the American Psychiatric Association's 1999 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award, the Arthur Shapiro Award from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and the International Society for the Study of Dissociation's 1998 Distinguished Merit Award. Law and Mental Disorder, his sixth book, was published in 1998. He has authored more than fifty articles, book chapters and book reviews on psychological, psychiatric and legal issues.Professor Scheflin provided testimony to Congress and the California legislature.

He has been judicially recognized in federal and/or state courts as an expert on legal ethics, memory, suggestion and suggestibility, hypnosis, and mind and behavior control. He has delivered more than 100 invited addresses and workshops at all of the major American professional hypnosis organizations, at many international hypnosis organizations, at the American Psychiatric Association, the American Orthopsychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Family Foundation, and other professional mental health and legal organizations.

In 1999 Professor Scheflin was voted a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Professor Scheflin is an Advisory Editor of the Cultic Studies Journal, an Advisory Science Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and has been a Guest Co-Editor of the Journal of Psychiatry & Law. He is currently the Chair-Elect of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Law & Mental Disability. Professor Scheflin is the recipient of the following Awards: 2002 - International Society for the Study of Dissociation, Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement.2002 - Santa Clara University School of Law, Distinguished Scholarship Award.2002 - Santa Clara University, Sustained Excellence in Scholarship Award.2001 - American Psychological Association, Division 30 (hypnosis), Distinguished Contribution to Professional Hypnosis Award. 2001 - American Board of Psychological Hypnosis, Professional Recognition Award. 2000 - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Arthur Shapiro Award. 1999 - American Psychiatric Association, Manfred S. Guttmacher Award. 1998 - International Society for the Study of Dissociation. Distinguished Achievement Award.1998 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Award of Merit. 1998 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Presidential Award. 1996 - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Arthur Shapiro Award.1993 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Irving I. Secter Award. 1991 - American Psychiatric Association, Manfred S. Guttmacher Award.

Prior Appointments:
He has taught in the Law School and the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University, and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California Law School.

Areas of Specialization:
Law and psychiatry, legal profession, and forensic persuasion seminar.

Courses Taught:
Legal ProfessionPersuasion and AdvocacyLaw and Psychiatry SeminarEthical AdvocacyOpening Statements and Closing Arguments

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