Friday, October 24, 2008

Kurt Nimmo Inadvertently Exposes Alex Jones as CIA

Here's an article written by Alex Jones supporter and guest of the Alex Jones show, Kurt Nimmo. This article was written Tuesday, March 18, 2008 BEFORE Jones appeared on FOX with Geraldo Rivera. Notice how Kurt says "It is fair to assume the Pentagon and the CIA are burrowed deeply inside newsrooms around the country, especially the higher echelon corporate newsrooms at Faux, CNN, MSNBC, etc." He says of Geraldo, "Such comments are designed by CIA" I wonder what he thinks now that Alex Jones has appeared on FOX with Rivera?? dry.gif oops, I guess the CIA "accidentally" let Alex Jones slip by. cool.gif Just like he did when he "slipped by" the security at the Bohemian Grove.

Alex Jones and Geraldo Rivera


  1. Alex is really slipping now. His Fabled Enemies was far from the expose of Zionism it purported to be, rather it exposed just how deeply in their pockets he is.

    Still, he won't care - he's got fat off the backs of the 9/11 movement... literally.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

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