Friday, October 31, 2008

Aloysius "Al" Caffrey, K of C, Papal Knight, headed CIA office in Los Angeles

Dear friends,

This man Aloysius "Al" Caffrey, was the former Director of the CIA in Los Angeles, worked as a Deacon of the Catholic Church in LA. He was also a Fourth degree Knight of Columbus: AND

"The only ordained recipient (of the Knighthood of St Gregory the Great in 1998) is Aloysius Caffrey, 77, a longtime deacon who headed the CIA office in Los Angeles before retiring."
"Other Catholics honored include Deacon Aloysius Caffrey, 77, active in donating food to AIDS hospices and needy organizations; "

"How does a CIA operative become a charity ringleader"
Al Caffrey says it was a natural progression. When Al retired as Los Angeles field office chief for the Central Intelligence Agency in 1983, he was already living in Agoura and had been involved since 1977 in helping with food and toy drives at St. Vibiana's Cathedral in Los Angeles.

He began to work with Manna, the local food bank for the needy and became a member of its board. Nine years ago, he became a permanent deacon in the Catholic Church. Besides giving his time locally - he can give communion, baptize people, marry couples and bury the dead - he spends a good deal of time as a chaplain for AIDS patients at a Catholic facility for men in the Crenshaw District. ``Many AIDS patients are abandoned by their families and even by friends,'' Al explained. ``I rap with people who have AIDS and bring them charity and love.'' In 1987, Al, an investment counselor and a well-known movie star used their own money to form Outreach for the Needy. ``We take surplus food to the inner city Mission in East L.A., the poorest parish in the Boyle Heights area.'' Al is proud of Outreach. ``Not a cent goes to overhead. Everything we picked up, we'd give.'' His work has been on hold since he and his wife, Agnes, were rear-ended while driving five weeks ago. The loaded van was hit and pushed over two lanes on the Ventura Freeway then hit again by a woman who was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. The van was totaled, and Al and Agnes are recovering from injuries. Agnes received a concussion and was bleeding so badly after the accident that Al at first thought she had died. Al had a long career in military intelligence and later the CIA.

His involvement with intelligence began during World War II, when he was sent accidentally from the Army to an Air Force unit and ended up in aerial photographic reconnaissance. After the war, he was asked if he wanted to make it a career, and he accepted. Besides becoming knowledgeable about intelligence techniques as a ``spook,'' Al became an expert on Asian countries. During part of the Vietnam War, he was in charge of operations in northeast Thailand, briefing pilots on the best routes in and out of North Vietnam. When he retired from the military in 1969, Al was asked to join the CIA. He enjoyed both the military and the CIA. ``I think that, unlike anything else I've ever experienced, intelligence allows you to use your native abilities. You can think for yourself. There's no book on the situation.'' He pointed out that intelligence is mostly information gathering; more than 90 percent of the information comes from public sources. When the CIA wanted research done on the inland waterways of the Soviet Union, maps of these waterways were found in the Library of Congress. The world has made rapid changes. What were once sophisticated and expensive military electronic devices, Al said, have now become less expensive and are sold commercially for general use. A love of the military seems to run in the family. The Caffreys, married 50 years, raised three adopted daughters; their youngest has just been accepted by the Air Force Academy. Al praises his wife's understanding and says he couldn't have had his career without her. He says that they ``never had any major disagreements.'' Before required business trips, be it military or CIA, ``I would call and say winter bag or summer bag. I'd have two to four hours to get home and prepare.'' Al, who's pushing 76, doesn't plan on giving up his Outreach program. ``I'm hoping someone comes along and replaces the truck, and I hope to get a younger man to drive it.'' MEMO: Victoria Giraud welcomes comments and suggestions for columns. Call her at (818) 386-9399. -END

Enjoy! As I always like to see these types of connections. If anyone can find a picture of Caffrey please let me know. Or any other good info please let me know.

Thank you,

 Aloysius A Caffrey: Birth: Mar. 31, 1921 Death: Aug. 18, 1999 LTCOL, US AIR FORCE Burial: Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Arlington County Virginia, USA Plot: 68, 0, 2413 Imported from: US Veteran's Affairs Record added: Feb 25 2000

Date of Message: October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two Jesuits Killed in Moscow, found brutally murdered in apartment

user posted image

"From the Press Office of the Jesuit Curia in Rome, this morning:

Two Jesuits, Fathers Otto Messmer and Victor Betancourt, killed in Moscow

On Saturday 25 October, Father Victor Betancourt, an Ecuadorian Jesuit working in the St. Thomas Philosophical, Theological and Historical Institute in Moscow, was killed in his home. Two days later, after returning from a trip abroad, Father Otto Messmer, Superior of the Russian Region, was also killed in the same place. On Tuesday 28 October, alarmed by the fact that he hadn’t heard from the two men, a fellow Jesuit who lives in another community went to visit them at home. On finding the dead bodies, he immediately contacted the police.

The police investigations have yet to come to any firm conclusions about cause of these violent deaths.

Father Otto Messmer, son of a profoundly Catholic family of German origin and a Russian citizen, was born on 14 July 1961 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. He entered into the Society of Jesus on 1 September 1982 in Vilnius and was ordained a priest on 29 May 1988 in Riga. He took his final vows in Novosibirsk on 7 October 2001 and was appointed Superior of the Independent Region of Russia of the Society of Jesus on 13 October 2002. Two of his brothers are Jesuits: Monsignor Nikolaus, Bishop of the Kyrgyzstani city of Bishkek, and Hieronymus, from the German Province.

Father Victor Betancourt was born on 7 July 1966 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. He entered into the Society of Jesus on 14 September 1984 in Quito and was ordained a priest in the same city on 31 July 1997. He undertook his Jesuit training in Argentina, Ecuador, Germany and Italy. In 2004, he defended his doctoral thesis in Theology in the city of Rome. Since 2001, he had been responsible for those considering a vocation as Jesuits and at the time of his death he was a theology professor in the St. Thomas Philosophical, Theological and Historical Institute in Moscow.

Father General, Adolfo Nicolás SJ, issued an appeal to all Jesuits to provide assistance and support to, and demonstrate their solidarity with, the Jesuits of the Russian Region in this difficult moment. He expressed his closeness to families of the deceased and thanked the Church for issuing its condolences as soon as the news of the tragedy was made public.

Father General Nicolás urged the whole Society to pray that our fellow Jesuits rest in eternal peace and for an end of all forms of violence.


James Martin, SJ"


Two Jesuit priests in Moscow found brutally murdered in apartment

By Carol Glatz

Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Two Jesuit priests were murdered brutally in Moscow after being attacked with blunt objects.

Jesuit Fathers Otto Messmer, 47, and Victor Betancourt, 42, were found dead late Oct. 28 in their Moscow apartment.

The Russian bishops' conference denounced "those who committed this terrible crime" and prayed Russian authorities would "be able to find the criminals."

"The assassin is in a state of serious, horrible sin and whoever committed (the crime) must undergo just punishment," the conference said in an Oct. 29 statement sent to Vatican Radio.

It said it hoped once the perpetrators were found, the Russian courts and society would pronounce "an objective juridical and moral judgment" for the crimes committed.

In a note distributed to journalists at the Vatican press hall, head of Vatican Radio, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said a police investigation was under way.

The murders had been carried out "with blunt objects," he wrote.

He said authorities suspect Father Betancourt had been killed before Oct. 26 since he had not shown up to celebrate Sunday Mass that day.

Father Messmer may have been killed Oct. 27 since he had returned to Moscow from Germany that night, Father Lombardi wrote.

Concerned about not having seen or heard from the priests, another Jesuit went to their apartment Oct. 28 where he found them dead, wrote Father Lombardi.

Father Adolfo Nicolas, superior general of the Jesuits, called on all Jesuits to pray for their brothers in Russia and for the end to all violence.

The funeral Mass was to be celebrated by Moscow Archbishop Paolo Pezzi the evening of Oct. 29 in Moscow's Immaculate Conception Cathedral.

Father Messmer, a Russian citizen, was born in Kazakhstan. He had been head of the Russian independent region of the Society of Jesus since 2002.

Father Betancourt, an Ecuadorean citizen, studied in Argentina, Germany and Rome and had been working in Russia since 2001.

The two priests worked together at Moscow's Church of St. Louis de France.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Video: "Roman Catholicism, Past and Present" -David Cloud

I'm not a baptist but I do agree with a lot of what David Cloud speaks upon. Especially regarding the Vatican and Calvinism.

Here is David Cloud's web site:

"..... according to ancient lore, this is because the wind and the devil were walking together one day when the devil suddenly disappeared into the Gesu (Jesuit church in Rome). The devil has not come out again, and the wind is still waiting outside!"

Text not available
Ave Roma Immortalis Studies from the Chronicles of Rome By Francis Marion Crawford

Friday, October 24, 2008

Kurt Nimmo Inadvertently Exposes Alex Jones as CIA

Here's an article written by Alex Jones supporter and guest of the Alex Jones show, Kurt Nimmo. This article was written Tuesday, March 18, 2008 BEFORE Jones appeared on FOX with Geraldo Rivera. Notice how Kurt says "It is fair to assume the Pentagon and the CIA are burrowed deeply inside newsrooms around the country, especially the higher echelon corporate newsrooms at Faux, CNN, MSNBC, etc." He says of Geraldo, "Such comments are designed by CIA" I wonder what he thinks now that Alex Jones has appeared on FOX with Rivera?? dry.gif oops, I guess the CIA "accidentally" let Alex Jones slip by. cool.gif Just like he did when he "slipped by" the security at the Bohemian Grove.

Alex Jones and Geraldo Rivera

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Great Video by youtube user random331

Texe Marrs and Alex Jones gang up on Eric Jon Phelps without ever mentioning his name. Marrs makes a ridiculous attempt to portray Phelps as a wealthy Israeli diamond merchant (simply because his wife runs an online jewellery store!).

This recent radio show segment is a desperate attempt at character assassination of Phelps due to his efforts (and many others) in exposing Alex Jones & others in the "truth movement" as nothing more than shills for Rome.

The shadowy "illuminati" was in fact founded by a Catholic Jesuit, a professor of Cannon Law, who was working for the Pope - Adam Weishaupt.

If you want to know who is behind the "coming holocaust" you only have to look and see who has been behind all the prior holocausts: THE VATICAN.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Eric Jon Phelps never said a "black magic ritual" causes nuclear bombs - that is an outright lie.

This lie is an intentional misrepresentation of one of the proposed scenarios described in Phelps' book to explain why at Hiroshima five Jesuits were able to emerge from ground zero completely unscathed. They attributed their survival to "a miracle of the Virgin Mary" - but a more likely scenario is that they placed ground detonations that were timed to coincide with an aerial flash bomb. According to Phelps one of those Jesuits was Pedro Arrupe himself, who later became the Jesuit General. This is an interesting scenario that may or may not be true - however it has NOTHING to do with "black magic rituals" causing nuclear bombs. And of course Phelps never said the earth hangs "on a string" either - he merely holds a geocentric perspective of planetary motion (as described in Psalm 19). Jones & Marrs (who spent their broadcast alleging that buildings cast illuminati black-magic spells over neighborhoods) had to resort to such falsehoods only serves to confirm the suspicions many already had against them as disinformation agents serving Rome's interests.

Part 1 Texe Marrs on the Alex Jones Show:

Here is the Spiritually Smart website:

"Smokescreens" by Jack Chick:

Texe Marrs' ludicrous exposition of Esther:

Youtube tlthe5th:

Eric Jon Phelps' website:

Eric Phelps Attacked

Dear Eric,
just remember, Bush has surrounded himself with roman catholic thinkers. read this again:
then remember that 5 of 9 supreme court justices are catholic and/or jesuit trained. Alito is K of C
then we have the house speaker here:
then congress have more catholics in the house by far than any other religious denomination or affiliation
then you have to stand your ground and insist that Murdoch is Roman Catholic. his mother name of "greene" is of English/Irish origin. he is Catholic. period! and the president of the board of directors is José María Aznar and he is a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic Fascist trained in the special part of Georgetown called the Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service. He is also the former Prime Minister of Spain
Murdoch is Catholic, he donated 10 million to a catholic church in LA, his daughter was married in a roman catholic church which Murdoch attended. AND he is a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Also dont forget about Riggs bank. The biggest most powerful bank of old which was created by Jesuit trained at Georgetown   William Wilson Corcoran and  George Washington Riggs who's son was the First catholic chaplin at Yale and opened up the "Thomas More Chapel" there! Riggs was called the American equivalent of the bank of England and used loans from the Vatican Rothschilds banker to get started. They then put JP Morgans family into banking. Jesuits ran Riggs bank. Period!!
In a message dated 10/22/2008 12:46:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear Brother Thomas,
I understand, but I now obligated to address these coadjutors.  Hopefully this attention will be used by the Lord to further expose the Order and discredit the Jew-bashers.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: debate

Brother Eric, Do what you like, But I wouldn't even waste my time while degrading myself by even giving these foul-mouthed false accusing, Jesuit propagandists ANY attention.
You are way beyond these people and no-one is taking these allegations against you seriously except the same people who are blinded by the lies fed them by their roman Catholic families who raised them this way.
here's how i answer these swine:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cult Member = Heretic and that's what the Pope Considers ALL

"She (the R.C. Church) has ever considered as heretics (cult members) or schismatics all who refuse to submit to Papal authority." "Uncle Sam or the Pope Which?" page 94

The word "Heretic" (a study)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Margaret Singer began her work by interviewing "a number of Jesuit Priests"

Excerpts from Cults In Our Midst

By Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer

"One of the leading experts in the field of coercive persuasion is Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and emeritus adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley. In her career, she has counseled and interviewed more than 3,000 current and former cult members and their relatives and friends.

Dr. Singer is the author of the book "Cults In Our Midst," which summarizes fifty years of work on the subject. In the 1950s, as a senior psychologist in the laboratory of psychology at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, she worked with Dr. Robert Jay Lifton and others who were studying prisoners of war from the Korean War.

It was there that she first encountered the forms of coercive persuasion, or thought reform programs, that not only prisoners of war but also civilians in a variety of milieus had been exposed to in the Far East. She also interviewed a number of Jesuit priests who had been exposed to thought reform processes while imprisoned in mainland China.

Margaret Singer spent a lot of time championing this theory of mind control. Her testimony regarding this subject was rejected by the Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility for Psychology (BSERP) of the American Psychological Association. Check out some astounding information on Margaret Singer (CIA connections).

"It is now well known that the premise that 913 people there committed suicide on orders is false. Rather than a “mass suicide” it is, at least substantially, an unsolved mass murder. (See My Jonestown Page)

But regardless of the tomes of documented information available to show that a “mass suicide” never happened, West, Singer, Ofshe and Hassan continue to tell the public that it did."

ICSA - "The Masons, the Jesuits, Opus Dei and the Military are NOT CULTS"

The International Cultic Studies Association says "the Masons, the Jesuits, Opus Dei and the Military do NOT qualify as "CULTS"

"Aren't the Jesuits or other monastic religious orders a cult?


While cults, military organizations, and legitimate spiritual groups share some superficials, they are fundamentally different.

They share an indoctrination process, strict codes of behavior and ethics, uniform dress, restricted diets and exercise regimens.

Where they differ most is deception. Anyone signing up for bootcamp has no doubt in his or her mind that he will be going through a severe mental, emotional, and physical trial meant to improve their physique and sharpen their mind. There are no secrets.

Whether a curious person attends an introductory seminar for Transcendental Meditation, the Church of Scientology, the Moonists, or smaller cults, the speaker will conveniently forget to mention that new members will undergo what the California Supreme Court has called "brainwashing, thought reform, or mind control," may end up "donating" hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of their lives to the cult.

It should be pointed out also that legitimate organizations like the Marines and Jesuits care for their members with health care, food, lodging, clothing -- and that when members leave they will have been trained in a trade, received an advanced degree, or received other value."

"Aren't the Marines a Cult by Your Definition?

--adapted from Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in Our Everyday Lives, by Margaret Singer and Janja Lalich, Jossey-Bass, 1995. Reprinted with authors' permission.

I have had to point out why the United States Marine Corps is not a cult so many times that I carry a list to lectures and court appearances. It cites 19 ways in which the practices of the Marine Corps differ from those found in most modern cults....

Cults clearly differ from such purely authoritarian groups as the military, some types of sects and communes, and centuries- old Roman Catholic and Greek and Russian Orthodox Orders. These groups, though rigid and controlling, lack a double agenda and are not manipulative or leader-centered. The differences become apparent when we examine the intensity and pervasiveness with which mind-manipulating techniques and deceptions are or are not applied.
Jesuit seminaries may isolate the seminarian from the rest of the world for periods of time, but the candidate is not deliberately deceived about the obligations and burdens of the priesthood. In fact, he is warned in advance about what is expected, and what he can and cannot do....

Mainstream religious organizations do not concentrate their search on the lonely and the vulnerable.... Nor do mainstream religions focus recruitment on wealthy believers who are seen as pots of gold for the church, as is the case with those cults who target rich individuals....

Military training and legitimate executive training programs may use the dictates of authority as well as peer pressure to encourage the adoption of new patterns of thought and behavior. They do not seek, however, to accelerate the process by prolonged or intense psychological depletion or by stirring up feelings of dread, guilt, and sinfulness....

And what is wrong with cults is not just that cults are secret societies. In our culture, there are openly recognized, social secret societies, such as the Masons, in which new members know up front that they will gradually learn the shared rituals of the group....

In [cults], there is deliberate deception about what the group is and what some of the rituals might be, and primarily, there is deception about what the ultimate goal will be for a member, what will ultimately be demanded and expected, and what the damages resulting from some of the practices might be. A secret handshake is not equivalent to mind control."

from Steve Eichel Web site

Jesuit Law Professor is President of ICSA

Current Faculty at the Jesuit Santa Clara Law School serving as Professor of Law

Seal of Santa Clara Law

Jesuit Schooled and Taught at Two Jesuit Universities is now the current President of the International Cultic Studies Association (Formerly American Family Foundation -AFF) The biggest "Anti-Cult" organization in the World.

Alan W. Scheflin

Professor Alan W. Scheflin prepared for publication the following book chapters: “Forensic Uses of Hypnosis,” in A.K. Hess and I.B. Weiner (editors), Handbook of Forensic Psychology, Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons); and “Mercy and Morals: The Ethics of Nullification,” in James Levine and John Kleinig, Jury Ethics: Juror Conduct and Jury Dynamics (2005).

He participated in a workshop, “Forensic Hypnosis: Skills and Building a Practice,” at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops on Clinical Hypnosis of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in St. Louis, Mo. in March. He currently serves as president of the International Cultic Studies Association (Formerly American Family Foundation -AFF) and participated in its July conference in Madrid, Spain.

He also serves as vice-president for law of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence and as ethics consultant to the Center for Justice and Accountability, a non-profit group that brings lawsuits against human rights abusers. He is the forensic editor of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and he will serve as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

Alan W. Scheflin holds a B.A. with High Honors in Philosophy from the University of Virginia. a J.D. with Honors from the George Washington University Law School, an LL.M. from the Harvard Law School, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from JESUIT Santa Clara University. He has taught in the Law School and the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University, and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California Law School.

Professor Scheflin's second book, The Mind Manipulators (1978), was published in several countries. Trance on Trial (1989), his third book, received the American Psychiatric Association's 1991 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award as the year's most outstanding publication on forensic psychiatry. His fourth book, Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis (1995), received the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Arthur Shapiro Award for "Book of the Year" for 1995.

Professor Scheflin's fifth book, Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law (1998) received the American Psychiatric Association's 1999 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award, the Arthur Shapiro Award from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and the International Society for the Study of Dissociation's 1998 Distinguished Merit Award. Law and Mental Disorder, his sixth book, was published in 1998. He has authored more than fifty articles, book chapters and book reviews on psychological, psychiatric and legal issues.Professor Scheflin provided testimony to Congress and the California legislature.

He has been judicially recognized in federal and/or state courts as an expert on legal ethics, memory, suggestion and suggestibility, hypnosis, and mind and behavior control. He has delivered more than 100 invited addresses and workshops at all of the major American professional hypnosis organizations, at many international hypnosis organizations, at the American Psychiatric Association, the American Orthopsychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Family Foundation, and other professional mental health and legal organizations.

In 1999 Professor Scheflin was voted a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Professor Scheflin is an Advisory Editor of the Cultic Studies Journal, an Advisory Science Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and has been a Guest Co-Editor of the Journal of Psychiatry & Law. He is currently the Chair-Elect of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Law & Mental Disability. Professor Scheflin is the recipient of the following Awards: 2002 - International Society for the Study of Dissociation, Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement.2002 - Santa Clara University School of Law, Distinguished Scholarship Award.2002 - Santa Clara University, Sustained Excellence in Scholarship Award.2001 - American Psychological Association, Division 30 (hypnosis), Distinguished Contribution to Professional Hypnosis Award. 2001 - American Board of Psychological Hypnosis, Professional Recognition Award. 2000 - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Arthur Shapiro Award. 1999 - American Psychiatric Association, Manfred S. Guttmacher Award. 1998 - International Society for the Study of Dissociation. Distinguished Achievement Award.1998 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Award of Merit. 1998 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Presidential Award. 1996 - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Arthur Shapiro Award.1993 - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Irving I. Secter Award. 1991 - American Psychiatric Association, Manfred S. Guttmacher Award.

Prior Appointments:
He has taught in the Law School and the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University, and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California Law School.

Areas of Specialization:
Law and psychiatry, legal profession, and forensic persuasion seminar.

Courses Taught:
Legal ProfessionPersuasion and AdvocacyLaw and Psychiatry SeminarEthical AdvocacyOpening Statements and Closing Arguments

Friday, October 17, 2008

JOSEPH H. FICHTER S.J. Spoke Kindly of Moonies

A Catholic perspective on Unificationism, by the late Jesuit sociologist of religion, Fr. Joseph H. Fichter October 27, 1979 (here is an interesting article that resulted from this one Fichter wrote) 

JOSEPH H. FICHTER S.J. (1908-1994) The Words of the Fichter Family The following is an article written for the Jesuit magazine America about the Unification Church.

Father Fichter went on to make a through study of the Unification Church which he published in his book The Holy Family of Father Moon. The following article is one chapter in that book. Father Fichter's Conclusion about Unificationism Whatever else one may say in criticism of the Unification Church as a social and religious movement, one has to recognize its systematic program for the restoration of "old-fashioned" morality, its emphasis on chastity before marriage, prayerful preparation for marriage, a readiness to accept guidance in the choice of a partner, marital love reflective of love of God, transmission of spiritual perfection to children. There has been much comment and criticism of the theological, political and economic aspects of the Unification Church, but very little has been said about the positive value implications in regard to marriage and family.

Marriage, Family and Sun Myung Moon By Joseph Fichter, S.J. AmericaOctober 27, 1979

By some odd coincidence the majority of young Moonies with whom I have spoken used to be Roman Catholics. I met them here and there, but mainly at the annual conferences sponsored by the International Cultural Foundation, and I always asked them where they came from and why they joined the Unification Church. The young women and men told me their religious beliefs do not pretend to represent a cross section of the membership, but they were chosen to meet and host the conference participants. They are alert, articulate, enthusiastic and, above all, they have a strong sense of vocation.

The comments I present here are limited to a central aspect of their spiritual calling: their vocation to godly marriage and family. For a deeper understanding of their religious commitment I searched the "revealed scripture," Divine Principle. In the fast-growing literature about the movement, I studied Young Oon Kim's comparison of Unification Theology and Christian Thought, Frederick Sontag's sympathetic book Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church and the dire warnings of Irving Louis Horowitz in Science, Sin and Scholarship. There is also a "bad press" on the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's influence over young Americans, which began even before the Jonestown tragedy triggered hysteria about religious cults,. The main criticism centered around the "brainwashing" of the conversion process, based on the assumption that people willingly join other churches but have to be tricked and coerced into membership in the Unification Church. Barbara Hargrove says that parents and ministers tend to suspect "sinister means" at work among those who succeed (where they have failed) to instill filial piety and religious zeal among young people. The process of becoming a full-fledged member of the Unification Church is in some ways similar to that which a Catholic experiences on entering the novitiate of a religious order. Life there is regulated, disciplined and goal-oriented. You give up your worldly goods and commit yourself to the ideals of the organization. No drugs, no alcohol, no sex, no money, few decisions and few worries. You put yourself under spiritual direction and you develop a loyalty to the religious congregation, its programs, its philosophy, its leaders.

In both cases the individuals feel a call to a deeper spirituality, a closer union with God and a more meaningful prayer life than they had previously experienced. They also develop an enthusiasm for the church's teachings that encourages them to share the good news of salvation with others. Catholics who have converted to the Unification Church feel that their new religion has a universal concern, a program for embracing the whole mass of humanity, while they think that Catholicism tends to focus its spirituality on a predominantly personal relationship with God. One of them, who likes ecumenical jargon, said that the Catholic Church is "culture bound" and doesn't make much progress with non-Europeans and non-Westerners.

From the point of view of a prospective lifelong vocation, the big difference is that the Catholic religious order is guiding you to a career of permanent celibacy. Personal holiness lies in that direction. In contrast, the totally committed member of the Unification community is being prepared for marriage and family. The individual is spiritually incomplete until joined to a spouse in holy matrimony, and in participating in a blessed family. Single person who are converted to the church -- most of them are in their mid-20's -- soon learn the theological and spiritual importance of family life, for which they are destined. With rare exception, there is not much future for a celibate in the Unification Church.

Young people who "join the family" take up residence in a Unification center with other male or female members, strictly segregated by sex. Frederick Sontag calls it a "coed monasticism." They develop family relationships looking across sex lines at brothers and sisters and not at potential marriage partners. There is spiritual kinship, close-knit camaraderie and group support within the residence. Selfishness is a serious personal fault. Christian love is the key word, and this collective relationship can be harmonious only if it is God-centered. One of the more inflammatory charges against the Unification community is that membership is disruptive of family life. The new convert leaves home and family, brothers and sisters, to dedicate himself entirely to the religious calling. Parents sometimes charge that their children have been "brainwashed." Similar charges have been made about Catholic religious orders that lured a daughter to the convent or a son to the seminary. God's call must be obeyed even in parents are in opposition. Some Catholic parents have forbidden their teen-age children to attend charismatic prayer meetings lest they be drawn too frequently out of the family circle. The fact is that the great majority of Moonies continue to maintain cordial relations with their parents and family.

The marriage chances for a Moonies are limited in one direction and expanded in another. The member is not permitted to marry outside the family, that is, the spouse must be a fellow member of the movement.

This is the same strict rule that governs the marriage of Salvation Army officers and the mate selection of Israeli Jews. It was the same rule against mixed marriages which has gradually lost its effectiveness in the Catholic Church. Any member who wants to marry outside the Unification community has obviously misunderstood the central significance of sharing religious values in lifelong fidelity.

On the other hand, there is a broadening of marriage opportunities in the Unification approval of "mixed" marriages across ethnic and racial lines. The conventional American pattern of marrying someone of your nationality, and especially of your own race, is widely disregarded in this movement. At the most recent engagement ceremony, about one third of the couples were interracial. The large Oriental membership, especially of Japanese and Koreans, makes available to Caucasians a prospect of marriage partners that they would not ordinarily have. Sharing the same religious convictions and practices provides a value that transcends racial preferences.

The Unification Church does not allow teen-age marriages among its members and thus avoids what seems to be one of the main stumbling blocks to marriage stability. Members must wait until they are 25 years old to marry, and the preference is that they delay even longer. The stages of formation and growth precede the stage of perfection. It is clear that Moonies do not rush into marriage, but then there is no need to hurry. The female members do not have to be anxious and nervous if they are not engaged before the age of 30. Their religious calling is marriage, and Mr. Moon will find a spouse for them and preserve them from living out their lives as old mains.

Marriage is a serious and holy sacrament for which lengthy preparation is requires, and one of the notable aspects is the willingness of the members to have Mr. Moon pick their life partners for them. The concept of "arranged" marriages is alien to young Americans although it has been an accepted pattern for most of humanity during most of history. This is not a compulsory arrangement. Members are urged to express their preferences, but they do have a deep trust in Mr. Moon as the voice of God for them. One recently engaged man remarked: "You try to have confidence in your prayer life that god knows what is best for you, but that He will work through Reverend Moon to suggest the proper match for you."

Preoccupation with the dating game, the hazards of flirty infatuation and the excitement of romantic love are avoided in the custom of arranged marriages. The attraction to each other is spiritually motivated and spiritually sustained. They are putting God's will, as expressed to them by their religious leader, before their own. As in everything else they do, the primary motive in preparing for marriage is to follow the will of God. "We both love God more than we love each other; and that's the way it ought to be, and it's the only way we can hope to have a God-centered family.

The secular and contemporary way of "getting engaged" is a very private agreement in which parents, relatives and friends must not dare to interfere. There may be a party celebrated, and even some gift-garnering "showers" after the announcement has been made. The custom of a religious and solemn engagement before friends and in the presence of a priest was in vogue among Catholics for a while when the liturgical movement was young. The engagement ceremony for members of the Unification Church is a sacred and public event, and it is celebrated by numerous couples simultaneously. When the couple shares a cup of win on that occasion they are establishing a spiritual lineage.

The engagement that is blessed by God and approved by the church is not primarily of the flesh. It allows no liberties of a sexual nature; premarital intercourse is completely prohibited. The whole notion of "living together" before marriage is abhorred as sinful, lascivious conduct. Even after marriage the couple may abstain from sex for some period of time. They may be sent on separate missions to different parts of the world before settling down to the consummation of their marriage.

The primary purpose of marriage is to give joy and glory and honor to God, and the primary purpose of sexual coition is the procreation of children. The biblical injunction tin increase and multiply is taken serious by members of the church. Spiritual perfection cannot be achieved in self-centered and lonely celibacy. It comes through experiencing the three stages of love in the God-centered family: the mutual love and wife and husband, the love of parents for children, and the love of children for parents. The family is the foundation for understanding the love of God. To become "true parents" and to populate the earth with spiritually perfect individuals is to help create the kingdom of God and to bring salvation to a sinful world.

Unification theology provides the rationale for the emphasis on family life. God created Adam and Eve with a potential to both spiritual and physical perfection. "The purpose of creation is to give joy to God," writes the theologian Herbert Richardson. The first great joy for our original parents was meant to be the experience of God's love and the attainment of individual perfection. The establishment of a saintly family meant that God's love would be shared in the second great joy.

Ultimately, then, the sharing of God's love with the whole universe fulfills God's plan for His Kingdom on earth.

According to the theology of Divine Principle, the revealed scripture of the Unification Church, God intended Adam and Eve to marry and have perfect children who would populate His physical and spiritual kingdom. This intention was frustrated when Eve was sexually seduced by the archangel Lucifer, committing the original sin of adultery and causing the spiritual fall of mankind. Her impurity was passed on in premature and illicit intercourse with Adam, causing the physical fall of man. Later, God sent Jesus to redeem mankind from sin. He accomplished His spiritual mission, but He was killed before He could marry and father a new race of perfect children. Our first parents threw away God's love; Jesus was prevented from completing the redemptive mission on which His heavenly Father had sent him.

The time has now come for the members of the Unification Church to establish perfect families in love and justice and unity, which in turn will unify all races, all nations, all religions. The divine scheme of love and family is laid out in the "four-position foundation," which appears to be a cumbersome theological and relational formula. The four positions are: God, husband, wife and child. The pure and perfect relationship with God helps to establish the perfect relationship between husband and wife, and then between parents and children. The spiritual and physical kingdom of God, the total salvation that god intended by sending the Messiah, will be achieved by the ever expanding network of such God-centered families.

Conventional Christian theologians find these teachings rampant with heresy, but a pragmatic sociologist is likely to say that the Moonies have come upon a family program that works. While marriage counselors and parish priests are wringing their hands over the breakdown of family life, the Unification Church is doing something about it. The God-centered family is not merely a nice slogan or a spiritual ideal suggested by the church leaders. It is the essential core of community among the faithful of the church. It is also a deeply motivated system for restoring marital fidelity and family stability to modern society.

One need not be an expert moral theologian to recognize the notable shift that has been occurring in the marital and family values of American society. Many secularists see this change as an expression of personal freedom an opportunity for self-actualization. Spiritually sensitive people see it as a decline in personal morality as well as a disregard for community needs and values. In either case, these changing patterns of behavior reflect a significant restructuring of the family system that has long been integral to Western civilization.

Some families are in trouble because of social factors that call for collective attention: inflation, poverty and discrimination in housing and employment. These social causes may combine with personal causes in influencing the shifting value sin marriage and family. The evidence is drawn from fairly reliable statistics on human behavior and attitudes: premarital sex, venereal disease, teen-age pregnancies, pornography, infidelity, divorce. These are all symptoms of the strain and stress that affect the home life of many Americans.

The religious values of the Judeo-Christian tradition have generally been supportive of marital fidelity and family stability. Church leaders, pastors and preachers often express concern that these values are being destroyed. Yet in some instances the churches have "relaxed" their values and doctrines to accommodate the behavior patterns and preferences of their adherents. Moral concessions have been made in the matter of divorce, birth prevention and even abortion. Organized religion in the mainline churches has been relatively unsuccessful in stemming the downward curve.

Whatever else one may say in criticism of the Unification Church as a social and religious movement, one has to recognize its systematic program for the restoration of "old-fashioned" morality, its emphasis on chastity before marriage, prayerful preparation for marriage, a readiness to accept guidance in the choice of a partner, marital love reflective of love of God, transmission of spiritual perfection to children. There has been much comment and criticism of the theological, political and economic aspects of the Unification Church, but very little has been said about the positive value implications in regard to marriage and family.

When Catholics talked about "having a vocation" they almost always meant the kind of life that required permanent celibacy, whether in the diocesan or religious priesthood, as well as among religious sisters and brothers. This was the "more perfect" spiritual path to one's own salvation and also in the ministry to all other people.

There was always room, of course, for the vocation of marriage, but it was at best a second-level and risky pathway to God. The Moon people have turned this around. If you really want to do God's will, if you want the higher vocation, if you want the life of spiritual perfection, you marry and have children.

It is a commonplace observation that the family is the moral basis of society, and that religion constitutes the moral bond of family solidarity. Slogans about in praise of family life. The family that prays together stays together. The moral level of a community reflects the moral level of its families. The Unification ideology emphasizes the centrality of the family in maintaining a religious culture and in transmitting a spiritual tradition. We may we conclude here with the remark by Harvey Cox: "Here is a movement which manages to combine religious universalism, Pentecostal immediacy, a warmly supportive family and a program for allegedly building the kingdom of God on earth. Such a potent admixture cannot be dismissed lightly." Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., was a sociologist at Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, US.

What other Religious Scholars say about the Unification Church

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some of Sun Muyn Moon's Connections

Sun Myung Moon. Not just your every day Cult leader

What do I think? the Unification Church is just another CIA Operation! I have many reasons for believing this. It has to do with much of my research into Jim Jones, Peoples Temple and Jonestown. But here's someone else making the connections between Rev Moon and the CIA. (Hey, and just because the article is on Jeff Rense's web site does't mean it's automatically false.)

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"Sun Myung Moon(born January 6, 1920) is the Korean founder and leader of the world-wide Unification Church and of the larger Unification Movement which owns, operates or subsidizes many organizations involved in political, cultural, mass-media, and other activities. One of the best known of these is the Washington Times newspaper and UPI. He is also well-known for holding Blessing ceremonies, which are often called "mass weddings".

Moon has said that he is the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ and is fulfilling Jesus' unfinished mission."

You can say Moon's Lieutenant is meeting with the former President of the United States or he's meeting with the Former Director of the CIA.

Ronald Reagan and Rev Moon's'S Lieutenant, Bo Hi Park

"Not to mention mainstream church leaders, like our old friend Jerry Falwell. The man who called for Moon's "exportation" in 1978 was singing his praises years later. Falwell changed his tune after one of Moon's front organizations handed Liberty University $3.5 million and otherwise forgave tens of millions in debts so he could bail out his college in 1994. Later, Falwell reciprocated by appearing at various Unification Church events and called upon President Ronald Reagan to pardon Moon's felony conviction for tax evasion." ~Source

Moon funded Louis Farrakhan's "million family march" to Washington in 2000.

Japan's EX-P.M., Kishi and Rev. Moon

Rev Moon and Neil Bush

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