Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reclamation Ranch Christian Ministry Raided over Allegations

Ranch Raid: 11 Children in Custody

their church web site:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Who goes into a CHILDREN'S HOME with guns drawn!? Those stupid f***king assholes. THAT is the exact statutory definition of 1st Degree Assault of A Child, Child Endangerment, and Child Abuse. Are the cops exempt? I guarantee that if they REALLY thought their victim target was armed and dangerous, the filthy cowards would never go in until they had full military backup. Proof in Waco. Do we have to become like Israel, and teach our children to carry assault rifles, and train them in combat techniques and marksmanship along with reading and math?? This is terrorism. Who are these military agents attacking us on our own soil? And where is our government that is supposed to protect our boarders from hostile invasion like this?


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