Thursday, February 22, 2018

Unity in the FAITH

This is something that is urgently needed among believers today. UNITY. And I'm talking about under the guidance of the ONE Jesus the Christ and ONE God the Father by the ONE Holy Spirit. Paul spent a lot of time talking about Christ's ONE body being perfectly united with ONE mind in Christ Jesus. This isn't about compromising. It's about NOT compromising God's holy Word and following Him with ALL our heart. You know about Paul right? The apostle? Everything he did and everything he suffered? Well do you know Paul called everything he did a "light affliction" compared to the glory that was to come (2 Corinthians 4:17). He was a SOLDIER for Christ. And he exhorted US (true believers) to emulate him as he emulated Christ. We need some FIRE to get everyone going here and get together and "strive together" for the cause of CHRIST and the souls He DIED for, Amen? Please read this message for more and share if you are inclined to do so. May God the Father and the Lord Christ Yeshua bless you all! Amen

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