Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why my site is offline..

Comments welcome!

I started back in 1999 as just a little one page web site to share my faith in Jesus Christ. After 9/11 I couldn't help but get sucked into reading and studying all the conspiracy theories about that day and other theories beyond 9/11. What I began seeing was many people attempting to name who was behind it all. Which group? Or maybe it was an agreement among MANY groups and they basically share the spoils resulting from "lowly man's" labors? etc etc I saw many were blaming the Jews and I did not like that or believe it. (I do now believe some powerful and rich masonic Jewish people ARE involved but all fall under obedience to the Papacy).

I began looking more into WHO was behind "it all" and came up with a lot of what Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera stated in their work. Both I knew about since around 1997. But I never put them to the test to see if they were right about who was behind the conspiracies in the world. When I did that, I found A LOT of what they said to be correct and I began adding to my little one page web site.

My web site and work from the beginning was never meant to be site SOLELY dedicated to proving Tony Alamo as an innocent man. But my site slowly but surely turned into this. I never thought Tony Alamo would have done the things he did. But now I do. During Alamo's trial, what I heard from their own defense showed me who Tony Alamo and his inside people really were. And I am embarrassed now that I EVER even mentioned "Tony Alamo" and I'm sorry to all my readers for this. But at least I am accepting fault. Many are continuing on attempting to re victimize the victims by blaming Alamo's troubles on the Vatican. It's not true everyone. And I probably wont even come back to after this. And I gladly suffer the reproach in public for my errors in the past.

At least I have the open mindedness to see I was in error in the past and attempt to correct it.

So long everyone. And you can thank Tony Alamo for this because it was his DECEPTIVE TACTICS that caused it.


  1. .... while seeking truth, we should always be receptive to new information - weigh its merits and adjust our journey accordingly. You've done this and you have my respect for your courage.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Well said @yerblues,let's go man,don't let us down.
    I was just watchin you're vidéo saying that you were ready to die for the truth.
    The important thing,it's to be(en accord)with the Bible,and most of your research going this way.
    There's not much of us around here so losing some one like you it's a big lost.
    Your french Canadian brother's.

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Well sorry to see your site go! Hopefully you bring it back. Besides your site opened my eyes to some true history! Remember there is always disinformation agents in all groups. Like Alex Jones which I am glad you showed me his Jesuits ties. Anyways God Bless!

  4. How does your work on Alamo require you to take down all of that excellent SS site with all of its useful info?

    I say, get it back up!

    And expand it! (Say with a video about Ledochowski using the images found at CCR?)

    If you want to target the Vatican, target Ledochowski, both the Black Pope and his Cardinal uncle who Bismarck had jailed!

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Hey man put your site back online. The information was good and interesting. It's a real shame for you to remove the site. Cooper admitted to mistakes and everyone makes mistakes. The fact is the info should be up and people should decide for themselves. Plus the Alex Jones info was good eye opening. Again put the site back up unless you have been compromised and I can understand that being the case then.

  6. Anonymous1:08 AM

    hey there-

    you had really good info on your site. i know how it is to believe in something in this journey for the truth, then to find out they are imposters. my journey has led me to some important researchers that you might want to check out that also have you some of your ideas. fritz springmeier, russ dizdar, chris white, and others see through the whole "new age" agenda as well as the misinformation regarding jesus and his history. luckily recently i realized really the full force of the attacks on jesus in writings after his death in history books.
    some videos you might enjoy:


    the site i help out with to expose the truth is:

    good luck on your search, please bring back the site! we need more thinking people in the truth movement!

    i remember bill cooper having to go back on his alien theories when finding out it had to do more with the nwo agenda. this is a constant quest for the truth! and it is ever elusive....

  7. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I understand your pain but I would like to encourage you keep on seeking the truth!Its too important to lay down right now so please gird your loins and continue to stand!

  8. Ahelya10:42 AM

    Hello Thomas!

    Praise the Lord for what He has done into your life, giving you salvation through His beloved Son Jesus-Christ.

    I understand the reasons why you want to stop but you should think about it twice...
    You did an excellent job, as far as I can tell.
    I've been through all your pages and found some very interesting things to help me realize the mess we're living today.

    The Tony Alamo case? well, I think you're not the only one being duped by him, so, hold on!
    You had the courage to tell you were wrong in supporting him.
    You're just as human and limited as each one of don't worry!

    Come on man, don't let an error stop all this great work, some need to know right now, in times like these!!!

    It's not about time to give up brother!!

    May our Lord and Savior give you peace and comfort you in this particular moment in your journey.

    Your french sister. ^_^

  9. "...And I gladly suffer the reproach in public for my errors in the past.

    Errors? Do you believe we are 'infallible'? Errors prove only you are human, a human Christian! Your 'error' proves only you are a j-u-s-t man.

    If your site hit me so deeply in my soul, would that mean something? Those pages on the Vatican assassination of Lincoln, on the Secret Treaty of Verona, no, it is impossible to believe that such a Christian and American Patriotic stuff is disappeared.

    I join especially the Douglas Willinge' request: please, again Spiritually Smart site, possible with a Ledochowsky upgrade!

  10. Richard,

    Do not be discouraged. I live in Texarkana and have found it very difficult to speak about Tony Alamo and his ministry in an objective manner. I tried to defend him and his ministry in that all are innocent until proven guilty. I think this has had all our heads spinning. If you would please email me because I would like to talk with you concerning this. Please do not keep your site down as it does have a lot of information the public needs to know.


  11. Kasha4:40 PM

    Please bring your sight back! Can't you just edit all the Tony Alamo stuff? Your research is crazy awesome & your a Rebornn again Christian presenting biblical truths. All other's who are aware of the RCC being the whore of Revelation are 7th Day Adventists, some other cult, or lukewarm Christians. You have so much documented info such as historical info, pics, & vids which speak 1,000 of words. Your work testifies Chick's & Rivera's claims which we need so deperatley in this moment of time where Christian apostacy is running rapid. Alberto's tetimony is the only thing that makes sence about why Catholics are embraced by professing Christians as "Christians" instead of a cult & the whore of revelation & your sight is the perfect compliment for those of us seaking these truths & why. Please, please, please bring your site back.


  12. Anonymous7:44 PM

    My friend,

    You are doing what is right! while in this struggle we must do it for the right reasons and be grounded in Christ and not man!

    If you stop now, then everything was based on man and not what God wanted you to do. Please reconsider your position. Just because you stuck up for someone whom you thought was innocent does not mean you are a bad person, it's just a lesson in life that our God is the only one we can really trust!

    Please continue to fight the good fight, for if the Apostles looked to Judas for their inspiration then it would all be for naught. Keep focus on Jesus and lets continue!

  13. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I think the principalities and powes are influencing you to condemn yourself. Your website led people to deeper truth. There are many websites, but yours was one of the few that went to the core of the truth and that took a lot of guts.

    All you did was try to help someone whom you trusted and that does not make you a co-conspirator. May God bless you and your wife on your journey. Perhaps God is protecting you to leave now because persecution is just around the corner. Someone was hacking your emails and I received one from someone who pretended it was you.

    Mr. Alamo should have built his ministry on Messiah Jesus not on himself. He named the ministry after himself and that is a clue--he desired worship. Who else desires worship? All those who pattern themselves after satan. We will sorely miss you--you are a true brother and part of the remnant!

  14. Oh, put your site back up, Thomas! I enjoy it, and I'm not the only one!

    There's nothing wrong with giving anyone the benefit of the did seem to be a case of trumped-up charges against Alamo because of his speaking about the Vatican.

    I'm thinking it could have been a set-up of some kind.

    Well, what's important is that we learn and hopefully move on. I know it's probably easier said than done for you because you were once in his flock.

    I was in a cult once, the Worldwide Church of God. Come to find out the founder, Herbert Armstrong, raped his younger daughter on a regular basis--I found this out after I'd left, and it made me glad to be out! Of course I was mad that I'd been duped, but now I'm glad to be free!

  15. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I think you should keep your site down actually.
    I won't be leading anyone to it anyway.
    Tony Alamo is a man of God and this whole thing was another set up of the Vatican to destroy him and his ministry. It's not good enough they have him in jail. They still won't return those kids. Now I read they want to go after the members. Truth is it was never about Tony Alamo. It was and is everything about stopping the gospel, helping others, winning souls, and exposing the Vatican. I think if you think Tony Alamo is wrong then you should post the bible scriptures that tell you that if indeed you are a true bible believer.

  16. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Anonymous of 6:21 p.m. is partially correct. It certainly appears that Alamos is guilty, but yet this crime benefits the Roman Church most of all. You almost wonder if he was part of a plot to prejudice the world against all evangelicals???

    In an indirect way the Roman Church and Mr. Alamos were serving the same spirits of darkness if the charges and witnesses were legitimate. Although there are very few priests who are sentenced and imprisoned for their pedophile behavior against minors.

    It was stated in the newspaper article that Mr. Alamos was anti-Catholic and this is also a misnomer. If a person teaches the history of the reformation and the Inquisition they will probably be labeled ani-Catholic just by sharing what is factual.

  17. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Anonymous Lady:

    Irregardless of the charges on Tony Alamo, the Children Services Division should not have taken the children away from their families just because the leader committed a crime.

    Do they take the children away from a Catholic Parish whose priest was caught sexually abusing the children? Looks like the discriminate against some groups and yet they look the other way and ignore the sins of the more powerful institutions.

  18. to Anonymous 9:46 PM
    Children's Services were acting in the best interests of the children. The Alamo church was so cloistered and secretive (i.e. people without birth certificates for example) that authorities had every reason to suspect that the alleged beating and underage marriages ( now proven) were accepted practice throughout the church, and not just with Tony.

  19. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Thomas,people live in a bad dream,lights and hope,that's what you are bringing with you're site.
    I don't blame anyone for my sin or what ever,it's my flesh not the Spirit,our Lord Jesus-Christ did everything for us.
    Your speech about the weeds,it make me think,and not long after that,well no more Thomas.
    Hope you come back.
    There's an old sayin here in Quebec,When you shit in your pants,take them off and put another one,that's it.
    I pray for you.

  20. Anonymous9:17 PM

    cmon tommy your gonna blaim tony alamo for your site closing down, thats stupid. Im gonna blame tony for my dog dying when I was a kid. I mean cmon.If you really believe you were doing right on your site nothing should stop you least of all some old man facing life in prison.I also wasnt very sold on your rap for switching sides. You reminded me of bush after 911 when he said anybody that that was suspicious that it was an inside job was unpatriotic you said anybody that would question what you had to say was an idiot.Well I guess Im an idiot. You said you believe those accusers,has anything in their past,mabee like being known as honest ppl caused you to believe them.I dont think so everybody in that church has known them to be liars.Their m.o. in life was to cause pain to who ever they didnt like and that was for free, and how much jucier could their allegations get being paid thousands of dollars by the feds. One of them even accused her own dad of molesting her while she was at the church , Oh yea I forgot tony probably had a gun to her head while she was telling the story on tape.And then she escaped with nothing but the clothes on her back yea right everybody knows there was no weapons over there or the fbi would have blown them all away when they raided.No one was forced to do anything and could leave whenever they felt like it and you know thats the truth as you did it several times which you have said on your site and others.You also said that factnet which is now topix was a vatican or cia-op did you say that just to sound smart or like you had really investigated it,because I now see you over there all the time chumming up to them some of which are out of the closet homosexuals.Tommy,I used to think you reall had a lot of guts but now I guess I was wrong,I know the govt. really scared you when they raided your house in the middle of night.Could that have anything to do with your decision to switch sides when it looked like the decks were stacked.You said yourself it was the scariest day of your life.I think everyone should be reminded that just because a one sided court found someone guilty doesnt mean they are, theres millions of ppl in the pen on false charges.Its highly douptfull that you will let something like this on to your blog seeing that it challenges your new viewpoint.

  21. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Yerblues does answer with wisdom, but I worked for Children Services for a few years as a Client Service Agent so I have a different perspective from Yerblues.

    You are a smart cookie and led by the Holy Spirit, but do a search on Victims of Child Abuse Laws VOCAL and see what you discover. May each one of us seek God with all of our heart for wisdom.

  22. Anonymous1:50 PM

    You sound for certain that he is guilty. How do you really know that? If you have discovered something that we do not know about, please share it. Because as I read all the articles, it seems like typical Papal propaganda to me. Or is it that the Jesuits have hi-jacked this website and posted this blog about Alamo??

  23. Tony Alamo was facing possible LIFE in prison and all he could try to do was fight it with some technical defense. Well, the jurors judged right. Tony lost. He didn't even get on the stand. He CHOSE to not take that stand. This trial has proven that Alamo Ministries are LIARS and worse. They even lied to their own congregation. Many of the people in that church do not know what Tony Alamo is doing. Tony would always say that he believed the Bible taught it was OK to be a polygamist husband to many under aged wives BUT that he, himself did not practice that. Well, it did turn out that Alamo practiced that. And HE ADMITTED IT IN COURT BY NOT DEBATING IT AT ALL. But he thought he would get out of it because he said he didnt bring them across the borders for sex. But if he's not denying that they were his sexual partners, then it's quite possible that THAT is WHY he was bringing them across the borders. I have nothing else to say. This life is a two way street. You accuse the Catholic church as being behind this because they have never been raided like Alamo was. Well, here's one right back at you. How come you don't question the accusers of pedophile priests? And yet you are blatantly calling these young victims of Alamo "liars". You can't say it didn't happen. You say that I can't say it did happen. But the testimony plus Tony's *NON defense* at trial answers that too.

  24. Has the Alamo case been covered much by the MSM?

    If not, that indicates they are more afraid of anti-Romanism more then they are happy to discredit one of the anti-Romists.

    Likewise with the deliberate ignoring of Wlodimir Ledochowski, as evident in say just about anything written about Pacelli.

  25. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Gee Thomas, Did you ever think that Tony's defense attorneys did NOT do what Pastor Alamo had asked them to do? NO! He wanted to get on the stand and was talked out of it by his attorneys. He told his attorney's to ask a multitude of questions and his attorney's refused to listen to him. Irving is from Texarkana. What does that tell you?
    I thought YOU were supposed to be spirituallysmart? If you were you would realize that this Judge (hand picked for the ocassion) and these attorney's had to do whatever it took to convict him. They had the mouth of the beast media behind them to propagandize the world against him. Peeler testified that ARK attorneys are the easiest to buy off. He wasn't even called by the defense to testify!! Do you not know that attorneys and judges all work together??? Can you imagine the lynch mob of hateful hicks if he had not been convicted?!!! Sheesh Thomas, don't you know that these people are so hateful that for anyone to hang around or even be caught talking to someone from the ministry is automatically blackballed, hated and persecuted and attacked by the FEDS? All I can say is that they got to you and you sold out. Who was it this time? The Feds or the DHS or maybe it was a family member. We saw what happened when they came and raided you before and threatened you. I didn't have much faith in you after that. I was praying you would stand but unfortunately I was right!

  26. Anonymous7:28 PM


    John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff for the New York Times, was one of America,s best loved newspapermen. Called by his peers "The Dean of his profession". John was asked in 1953 to give a toast before the New York Press Club, and in so doing made a monumentally important and revealing statement. He is quoted as follow:

    "There is no such thing , at this date of the world,s history, in America as an independant press. You know it and I know it.! There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions , and if you did , you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Othes of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who woud be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for anothe job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth: to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and the folly of this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull he string and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. WE ARE INTELLECTUAL PROSTITUTES'"

  27. Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.

  28. Anonymous8:06 PM

    It is sad if Richard Thomas is indeed the author of the rebuttal letter. If he penned the letter, then the enemy has done a thorough work. You are allowing an angry spirit to take hold of your soul. The soul that Jesus Christ paid a tremendous price for. You should read Spiritual Warfar by Pastor Ing who is not a Christian businessman. He has a wonderful testimony with his wife and family and does not seek any honor or attention.

    There is so much for you to learn about spiritual warfare. Indeed the same demons that have infiltrated the Roman Church since its inception are the same ones that influenced Tony Alamo to commit sin and betray Jesus the Messiah. Jesus' first outward ministry was to cast out demons. Demons are not real to most Christians churches and most ministers seldom read the gospels and much less the gospel of Matthew particularly Chapter 5.

    My husband was a Chaplain for the police department in a large city in the USA and our city was mostly catholic including the State Senate, etc. It was discovered that one of the priests was in charge of a male prostitution ring. This is fact and it was on the news for several months. My husband resigned because he did not want to be connected with the chaplaincy any longer perhaps that is the way you feel, but as far as being Christians, we have not abandoned the one who redeemed us from our sins.

    This is a time for restoration of your spiritual walk. I recommend that you learn from Zac Poonen who has a wonderful website on walking in the Spirit. You posted a video by him and I was quite surprised. We have known about his mininstry for over 15 years. He has a good marriage and wonderful sons who all serve the Lord. They never ask for money so that no one can accuse them of serving Mammon. In Spanish Mammon means el demonio de la codicia which means a demon of covetousness.

    You shall know a true believer by their love and fruits.

    The journalist is correct that as a reporter for mainstream media--you can never tell the truth without repurcussions. I too wanted to be a journalist and I realized that they do not want truth in the news media.

  29. Anonymous10:57 AM

    You are accusing people of mixing poison with truth.
    This is how it is. God's word is black and white. There is NO grey or mixing poison with truth. Every answer to righteousness is found in the word of God.
    If you can not produce scriptures to condemn this man before God. Then you need to SHUT UP because you are persecuting God's people. God does not follow man. Man is to follow God and God is his word in the bible.
    Come out of her my people. Man's laws are Roman Cannon law.
    1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?
    1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
    1Co 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
    1Co 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

  30. Anonymous8:45 PM

    We have learned that it is futile and an endless dialogue exposing the fruits of darkness among the harlot and her daughters. The best way to expose darkness is sharing Christ--his life and teachings.

    If we stay in the gospel and walk in the light, the wolves will be exposed.

  31. You know what, I looked at the Alamo site where he defends polygamy, etc., and I had a feeling of "he doth protest too much."

    I can see where one would be okay with puberty being the youngest age for marriage...there are places in Africa that practice that. But it's not mandated, and one should go by the laws of the land. If the youngest you can be married is 15, then you wait until 15. There is nothing that says you HAVE to be married at puberty.

    Alamo, it seems, was using Paul's advice that one should marry to avoid fornication to justify his "marrying" those girls. Almost as if he were making sure they never did fornicate, in his own mind, since they'd be "married" to him. I can see where he's getting this. Not saying I condone it, but I see what he's doing there.

    Parental responsibility, I believe, is a good weapon against fornication. Be there for your kids. Don't let them get into compromising situations. Educate them and guide them. That's what my parents did.

    One thing he apparently skipped over was that to be a bishop or a deacon, a man has to be the husband of ONE wife. Alamo, it seems, had himself a harem.

    And how much do you want to bet that Texe Marrs and his hangers-on will jump onto the fact that Alamo is a Jew? More fodder for the anti-Jew crowd.

  32. PLEASE don't shut down your site!!!! And your YouTube channel is awesome; please don't leave YouTube. You're one of the few I've seen online who speaks the truth for Jesus Christ; who exposes the Vatican for who she is.
    Right after I got saved, I started finding out about the NWO. I was beginning to follow Alex Jones material when one day I happened upon your site and I found out that Jones is disinfo. Since then, I've learned quite a bit from your site.
    I noticed when you started posting info about Tony Alamo, that you really didn't post anything else. I think Alamo whole situation was used as a distraction. And now satan is trying to discourage you through this same method. I say, DON’T GIVE UP! Don’t let what happened with Alamo stop your research. Stay strong and continue to preach boldly for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  33. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Please please put your wonderful website backonline. I was conned by alex jones for a while and told my friends how great this guy is. It wasnt untill I saw your videos on alex that changed my mind. We are human, we make mistakes. Beliveing that alex and tony are truth tellers is a lie. We now know this. lets not feel sorrow for being conned but thankful that we were deliverd the truth.

  34. Mariella10:37 AM

    Accept that you were wrong on this, pull yourself together, take a small break and then get your site back online.

    You just learned a humbling lesson; that your feelings can get betrayed when you believe something about somebody else. Your problem is that you not only were deceived by Alamo, but you stuck your neck out for him in public. Get over it, we all make mistakes; take it as the lesson that it is. No one is infallible.

    You had an excellent site with lots of very important information on it. Remember who gains if you withhold that stuff.

  35. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Dear Thomas:

    Ouch! You are calling many disciples of Jesus Christ knuckleheads. Don't you see the love being poured over you. Just because people exhort doesn't mean they don't love you. Haven't you read the book of Proverbs?

    I will be brief and I really didn't want to remain anonymous, but I having problems getting a google identity to work for me. I will leave my name. Jesus taught us to bless everyone and I will leave you with the Messianic High Priest blessing to pour over your life from both my husband and I.

    We are seriously blessing you with tears! We are in a very late hour and this is no time to turn back!

    Bemidbar 6:24, 25, 26, 27 Numeros (Numbers) 6:24, 25,26, y 27. Paz desde Mexico

    Karmen Nava y familia

  36. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I said to you long before the trial of Alamo, that this guy is not how he seems and that he is a liar. You talked to me, that I came from germany and I have no knowledge an this.
    At first a photo of his sect (an his webseite) alarmed me, because the surreal appearance and his dressed up woman. Then I read in his writings, that his woman has been preached...
    In this way you should thinking over the biblical doctrine of original sin. And if it is biblical according to 2. John 1,9-11; Romans 16,17; Gal. 1,8-9 to working together with false teachers who are teaching a FALSE GOSPEL with their ETERNAL SECURITY teaching. This teaching leads many to HELL.

    may the holy spirit be with you - brother
    best regards

  37. Brother Thomas,

    Tony Alamo did not take your site down. You took it down. If you gave some incorrect information about Tony Alamo on your website, the appropriate action would be to remove or correct only that information. I am quite sure that the Order of Loyola is very pleased that you removed all of the evidence against them from your site. And as for the the truth seekers looking for answers on your site that is not available... Well, they are the ones that you are hurting now...


  38. When I arrived at your blog the first time, my browser was shut down. I want to comment about movies. In X-men, there is the Xavier school. Xavier was the founder of the jesuits. Senator Kelly looks like Eric Jon Phelps. I am sure this was done on purpose.

    James Bond series was about war between freemasons and jesuits. First couple movies, they had the head of Spectre lookin like Kolvenbach. Jesuits got control of the James Bond thing, and they made every one since Goldfinger.

    X men series is camouflaged stuff about jesuits and other illuminati factions, versus the "sheeple".

  39. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Brother Richards, wherefore offline? We are not called to fulfill the will of the Vatican.

    David did worse, likewise Peter.

    Don't give Rome the upper hand.

    Bring it back, make it better.

  40. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Barbara Hartwell quote:

    "I myself used to defend and endorse Ted Gunderson, FOR YEARS, believing all the hype I heard and read from Ted and his promoters"

    Look, if Barbara Hartwell can be fooled by someone so can anybody. We are all fallible.

    Please continue on with this site. I was going share some info from your site regarding 9/11, but now I can't.

  41. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I'll tell you how I feel:
    Please put a link for donations, so people can go start to pay you for your brave and noble work!

    In a way I agree with you. I must say though, that your Tony Alamo news was the most boring part of your website, if there would be any page boring.

    Tecnical your website was well done. Very nice HTML, nice grafics, everything so very well explained, that no one had the excuse not to understand it.

    For your Youtube account:
    I am blocked there for a few months now, so I don't care. I have seen all your movies, from which some where very great, so you can delete them if you want. Or set a donation link there some where. Last half year you only updated these very boring Tony Alamo interviews, I haven't watched them, although I downloaded some as MP3's elsewhere.

    I have never deleted one website I made myself, half of my websites get deleted by censoring.

    I hope you are doing okay Thomas, I'm kinda worried. If you where not forced in any way, I must say I agree, because instead of paying you what you deserve, such a website only will get one persecuted, as you already where attacked in December last year. You have no obligation to us fans...

  42. Brian1:47 AM

    I liked your site tremendously.

    In my opinion, your site was used to inform others--not to justify yourself. Or Tony Alamo.

    Does Tony Alamo's arrest and conviction change anything about the Jesuits and Vatican involvement in WWII, Vietnam, the Kennedy Assassination, New World Order, etc? No? Then why take it down?

    I'm not sure if anybody's opinion here will make you put the site up. You just have to make the decision whether or not others will remain as decieved about the Vatican as you were about Tony Alamo, and what you want to do about it. Isn't it an act of Christian love to tell them that they are being lied to?

    Thanks for doing what you do and my best wishes to you and your family.

  43. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I can understand why you decided to abandon the site because it leaves you open and exposed as a potential target for people determined to shut down the message.

  44. I am very proud of and humbled by this man whom I for one vilified, every chance I got. I beg his forgiveness and must ask everyone who read my tirades against him for forgiveness. It was NOT what Christ would have done. I hope they can both forgive me, and I pray I become a better person because of Tommy

  45. Anonymous12:44 PM

    God bless you. It takes courage to confess and repent.


  46. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Get up.

  47. Anonymous7:16 PM


    but im still confused about Alex Jones being a Jesuit.. yes i do know he doesnt talk much about them... now he kinda does but not like before.. always the Elite and Globalist idea..

    but i came across this.. which shows how FAKe William Cooper was. but then again i have my own opinion on things.. so if Alex isnt a CIA dushh then was Cooper it? he was in the NAVY..

  48. The information on your site is valuable, no matter what you think of Tony Alamo. Either you got
    scared out of your wits seeing what the RC church did to Tony Alamo, and decided to cut and run--

    or else you are not the true Christian you say you are.

    If you understand the information on spiritually smart, then you understand how they really did frame Alamo and they are as bad as you have been telling us they are.

    The least you could do is point to his conviction as a confirmation of all you have been telling us on the site. Why did you desert your own cause?

  49. I have experienced perfection. Inadvertently I had followed scripture. The barrier is of the mind. The act is a process to get passed the mind with the entanglement of emotional responses and experience a different mind. This is not superficial, own sinful rebellious nature is covered by the nature of Jesus and another mind is revealed. By purifying myself God entered and energized me and all those aspects in my normal balanced self who I thought I was were actually mind sets that would determine how I would behave in any situation. Every normal balanced person is imperfect and this why there is conflict war and destruction.

  50. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I'm not 100% sure of his guilt but do lean toward guilty. What Sharon said about the rings is something worth thinking about. How Tony conducts himself, it does not help him at all. The list goes on but it isn't easy being certain.

  51. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sometimes in a search for the truth we get led the wrong way. I think part of our difficulty is our subconscious mind believes whatever it hears. It's our conscious mind that questions what we hear. Sometimes our subconscious beliefs influence what or how our conscious mind questions something though. What I'm trying to say is that sometimes what we already believe about something will sometimes lead us to question anything that contradicts what we already believe, and not to question anything that supports what we already believe.

    I've just finished writing a book on conspiracy theory and Biblical prophecy that I hope to have published before the end of this year. It does not portray the Catholic Church in a positive light, but it does not support Jesuit conspiracy theories. I actually dedicated a chapter to pointing out some of the flaws in the Jesuit conspiracy theories. The Catholic Church may not be innocent and it may be a villain, but it is not the villain. As the book of Revelation says, "The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute." (Revelation 17:16) The Catholic Church may have been riding on the back of the beast, but ultimately the beast will bring her to ruin. The secular beast is the real villain here, not the prostitute on its back.

    Anyways, the reason I decided to leave a comment was that Thomas, the author of this site, always seemed to me to be someone who wanted to find the truth. Some of the other material out there on Jesuit conspiracy theories oftentimes seemed to me to just be anti-Catholic propaganda for the sake of being anti-Catholic...or just someone looking to make a buck and get some attention using a controversial topic. I always thought Thomas was good intentioned and sought the truth, but was unfortunately misled in some areas of his truth seeking.

    I'd encourage you to keep seeking the truth. Once you know one route is the wrong way, at least you know not go that route anymore.

  52. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Brother Thomas, I don't think its as bad as it seems. I do think you probably need time to cool off from the shock of what just transpired to think about the future. You should also spend some time fasting and praying about it too.

    I believe that you will come around and see the greater good of keeping your site up. Simply remove all the information you have about Alamo on your site.

    P.S. - This is most def not even as bad as Alex Jones (Zionist shill) on Y2K and look at where he is now. Its not the end of the world bro.

  53. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I notice tommy wont post the comments that really question his switching sides on the alamo case.
    like why do you believe all these women who were known liars back when they were in the church. And now one of them has made public statements that they barely escaped from the compound with the clothes on her back.You know that these are lies seeing that you said yourself that you left the church on several occasions whenever you felt like it.there was never any guns there or anyone forcing ppl to stay there.Tommy, I used to really admire your guts.Im guessing threats and fear, or money had something to do with your switch because everything just isnt adding up


  54. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Don't give up !

  55. They got a masonic judge and some false witnesses. I mean they have been trying to frame him for decades now. Trying hard but failed. If there would have been something real, Tony would have been in jail a long time ago.
    I say hes not guilty.

    Vatican has killed christians for believeing in the Bible (wich they dont). Lying is Vaticans specialty.

  56. I think, maybe, it would be spiritually smarter if you simply should stop preaching, Thomas, because that's definitely not where the power of the computerweb lies. Our generation witnessed with the birth of a net of transcontinental digital data highways the beginnings of the implementation of a whole new foundation of modern society being nothing less than a quantum leap of cosmic complexification, which, of course, is also the most important target (besides several others) of this ongoing inquisitorial global psycho attack starting in the first year of the new century with the infernal Twin Tower Hollywood Massacre.

    But you are The Gladiator, you know, you can't go down! Not this way. No. No!
    You're fighting in an exemplary manner, Fifth, deeply connected with the yearnings of all freedom-loving men, and although you must feel absolutely horrible now, we aren't allowed to forget that this is a battlefield under the spell of Jesuit supremacy as intellectual avant-garde of the centuries-old Catholic Colossus with its Egyptian-like ideology (It's a BOOK religion!).

    "The evil of the power pyramid has been over us for 6,000 or more years, that is true, but that wasn't assembled by an individual or even by an hermetic lodge. It was assembled by human nature. We, the people, the masses, have it in our nature to want the power pyramid to be there, because we carry this delusion among us that we might have a chance at climbing to the top of it. Or even at the middle of it, we humans relish the idea of stamping on the hands of those below us to make their climb more difficult. The conspiracy is us.
    The "elite" are those among us who have realized the ambition that we collectively have as a species. The solution is to take away from ourselves, the gimmick of civilization that we have resorted to for thousands of years, to engender political hierarchy. We need to reboot our species. We as humans need to get back to basics and rethink the world we'd decided to create for ourselves 6,000 years ago. And if our next decision after this is similarly wrong, 6,000 years later anarchists like us will have to reboot us yet again. Keep repeating until the lesson is learned.
    That, essentially, is the duty I'm talking about: the duty to take part in the reboot. Specifics are not appropriate to discuss over the Internet."

    Now take your eight years against it ...
    You have truly done A LOT, but as my hero you have a lot more to do. So, do it!


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