Saturday, January 16, 2010

Venezuela's Chavez says he wants an 'exorcism'

by Martin Barillas

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela asked the newly installed Vatican diplomatic representative to undertake an “exorcism” of the nunciature, the office occupied by a predecessor who the Venezuelan described as a “sadist and rapist.”

Even so, Chavez welcomed papal nuncio Pietro Parolin during an official meeting with political leaders and diplomats on January 15 . Describing himself as a “Catholic”, Chavez said it was “very lamentable” that the Vatican embassy had sheltered Nixon Moreno – a 34-year-old political opponent who was given political asylum there from March 2007 until March 2009.

Moreno is charged with homicide and sexual assault in Venezuela and is currently taking refuge in Peru. Moreno has denied the charged and has said that he is the victim of political persecution.

Chavez said that his “’revolution’ is profoundly Christian,” and that is “Bolivarian revolution” is ready for “good relations” with the Catholic Church even while it will not stand pat in the face of criticism on the part of local church hierarchs. “Believe me, we are hoping to have good relations with the Vatican,” averred Chavez, “but we are not prepared to be quiet in the face of the intromission on the part of a group of bishops which has submitted to Venezuela bourgeois bastards.”

Chavez made these remarks in reference to the Catholic Church and the Vatican’s ambassador during a formal meeting with Venezuela’s political leaders and foreign ambassadors wherein he he gave an accounting of his government's activities in 2009. Among the other recent acts by Chavez was to devalue Venezuela’s currency and send soldiers to seize businesses engaged in price gouging.


  1. Elliot11:48 PM

    Hey Thomas, check out this new development in England, I don't know how long this sought of thing has been going on, but I think its one the worst yet.

  2. Chavez is the result of what Roman Catholic theologians call Freedom Theology. Reductionism is the Marxist cover here, as Roman Catholic schools teach, that Communism is the only alternative of Roman Catholic, often by Opus Dei and other orders enforced control. The rich Knights need propaganda, that creates a power over the deceived people. The people need a philosophy to unite under, freedom theology with a Marxist division for agitation drags all parties to the synthesis, where the reduction is controlled. By registering slaves. Jesus himself would flee registration, but the politicians called priests control that history by burning all bibles and by agitating and infiltrating any parties that are not controlled. While blaming it all on their enemies.


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