Monday, July 18, 2016

No man can come to Jesus, unless the Father draws him: ...." John 6:44

With no religious upbringing I claimed Jesus appeared to me when I was only 3 years old. My mother was a liberal who had me playing with a Ouija board as a child. One day I woke up and I couldn't move my legs. Doctors were stumped. After a week or so I began being able to walk a little, but only on my tip-toes. Eventually I walked normally. I was also plagued with nightmares which I remember many of them to this day. One day my mother came home from work, went straight to the closet, took the Ouija board out of the closet and brought it out to the trash. She wouldn't tell me why and to this day I still don't know.

But I always believed in God and I was directed to the local Catholic church by my Aunt. I was baptized and confirmed there. I can tell you from experience that there is nothing deader than the Catholic cult. It is dark, filled with creepy statues, candles and idolatry. It is a political religious business that has no real knowledge of God. They enjoy tax exempt status even in places where the taxes are through the roof. Like in Long Island, NY for instance. They never helped me even though my mother and I were basically poverty stricken (her choice - long story).

My baseball coach was one of the kindest and generous people I can remember. And he was a Jewish dad, husband and business owner. He used to buy me brand new Rawlings baseball gloves each season I was on his team (at least 3 years) and even bought me box seat tickets to one of the very few baseball games I ever went to where I got Dave Winfield's autograph on a baseball.

But just think. I was one of the poorest people in a rich neighborhood and only a block away from the Catholic church and never got one bit of help from them. What did they do with all the tithes from the local millionaires?

But through everything. The darkness and false religion and even witchcraft, God drew my soul to Him and I finally got saved when I was 27 years old. He, Himself drew me to Him through His Son Christ Jesus. Why? Because He is kind and merciful. Not because there was something good in me. And I know He can do the same for you. Turn your hearts and thoughts to God. We are living in perilous times. We need Him and He wants to grant us His peace, promises and blessings. Pray to Him. Read His Word and know, He is real, He is alive, And He cares for YOU.

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