Saturday, July 30, 2016

WILLIAM TYNDALE to be Venerated by ALL Who Prize the Word of God

"We now come to the labours of those who used the providential advantages of the art of printing, and the spread of the knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, for the setting forth the Scriptures in the vernacular tongue. The instrument in the hand of God for translating the New Testament into English, for the first time out of the original language. was WILLIAM TYNDALE, whose memory is on this account to be held in veneration by all who prize the Word of God."…

And to whose CHIEF PERSECUTOR, that, THOMAS MORE, to whom the Catholic CULT in America and their willing stooges PRAY to and WORSHIP every year during the Red Mass. This includes Pat Robertson's very own law school and Presidents and Supreme Court Justices and Federal judges and prosecutors at the Cult Church Main headquarters (St. Matthews) in Washington DC where CIA founder William "Wild Bill" Donovan also had his funeral.…/l…/docs/issues/v6/6RegentULRev1.pdf
"The conservative justice railed against his fellow justices, calling the majority opinion "egotistical" and pointing out that the justices were a homogeneous group that didn't represent the people. As proof, Scalia pointed out that many went to the same law…

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